Helping others in need doesn’t have to be done thru grand gestures. Sometimes, even the smallest but sincerest acts of kindness can mean a lot.

On a regular day at the Brooklyn Center Liquor store, one of the things any customer would be greeted with is a warm smile from Ta Leia Thomas. She is also known as “Ace” by her co-workers.
Her kindness is something that people know about her, and this side of her was fortunately captured on film after she did an act of genuine concern that made people online feel inspired to share her story.

Ta Leia is not a rich person, but she is known to be rich with kindness.
After going out for lunch, store manager Tom Agnes found Ta Leia serving customers wearing only her socks. It was an unusual sight for him, and knowing the harsh weather outside, the manager was a bit concerned about what happened to her.

He decided to review the security camera footage to find out why Ta Leia was in her socks and had no shoes to protect her feet. That was when he found out the kind act his staff did for a homeless person.
It was just a few seconds, but what Tom saw resonated with him.

In the clip, a homeless man can be seen dragging boxes as he passed by the store. The only thing is that he wasn’t actually bringing the said boxes, but he wore them on his feet to serve as his shoes.

Ta Leia saw the man walk by and within seconds, the woman took off her own shoes and approached the homeless man. She gave her shoes to him and returned to work with only her socks on.
“I see his feet and I just automatically took my shoes off,” Ta Leia said.

The fact that Ta Leia gave away her favorite pair of purple retro Jordans made her donation even more meaningful.
Ta Leia did not hesitate to give away her prized possession to help others in need. Her kindness is definitely inspiring and something that people online have found to be very uplifting. Knowing that someone as kind as her is out there helping those in need is quite comforting.

“He said nobody would ever give me shoes like that,” Ta Leia further said. “And I said, well, I’m not everybody. I was always taught to help others. You never know what their problem is, or what they are going through.”
Tom bought Ta Leia a new pair of shoes so she doesn’t have to finish her shift in socks alone. The store manager also shared the incredible story on Facebook, where viewers were quite impressed and inspired by what Ta Leia did. The woman gladly replied to all of the heartwarming comments about her act of kindness.

Tom and a few friends in their industry raised $450 to buy the woman a new pair of her favorite shoes.
However, the store manager noticed that Ta Leia recently posted about taking care of her mom, so they shared the cash with her instead.

“She kept posting on social media about her mom that she wants to take care of her mom and I and what’s going on with your mom Ace? She said, ‘she’s all I have in this world. I take care of her she doesn’t have a bed. So, she sleeps in my bed, and I sleep on the floor,” Tom said. “And I’m like, ah. We don’t need to get Ace a pair of shoes we need to get Ace a bed. So, I gave her cash instead of the shoes to get mom a bed.”
Ta Leia’s story is only proof that even the smallest gestures made out of the goodness of our hearts can make a huge impact to the lives of others. Find out more about her story by watching the video below.
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