Look, we aren’t here to prove or disprove the existence of a particular jolly fellow in red, we just think there are some other people out there doing some amazing work! One man, keeping his identity a secret, embarked on a mission of kindness to deliver some much-needed money to people in southeastern Arizona.

This “Secret Santa” is an anonymous businessman that wanted to give away huge amounts of cash to help people in need.

The plan? Set out with an army of “elves” to service the community. The elves were going to be equipped with weapons of kindness (a few hundred dollar bills) to deliver to people who needed it. In total, the Secret Santa planned to give away $30,000 in hundred dollar bills to strangers.
The people that our Secret Santa had in mind were those living in the San Carlos Apache Tribal lands.

“I’ve always felt, inside my soul, a spiritual connection with the Native American,” he said.
Arizona has a large population of Native American people and sadly, many live in poverty. The man wanted specifically to spend the money in the San Carlos Apache Tribal Lands where there are at least 10,000 people. Of those 10,000 at least half are below the poverty line.
First, the man gathered with some police and got a tribal blessing.

You can’t go help the Native populations without your due diligence! For the Secret Santa and his crew, it looked like getting a blessing from the nearby medicine man. A few words were said and they officially had the blessing they needed to go BE a blessing!
People were nervous at the group’s approach, but soon realized it wasn’t a bad thing.

As they walked up to people, it was clear they were nervous – who wouldn’t be? Seeing a camera crew, a bunch of police, a strange man in a red hat is enough to cause anyone to worry. Once they learned what was happening, however, they started smiling.
When some of the recipients realized what was happening, they broke down crying.

One woman with her son was just sitting outside her home when the merry crew walked up. As they stacked bills in her hands, she couldn’t help but place her hand over her mouth in shock. This wasn’t just a nice gift, it was going to allow her family to eat. That deserves some tears!
Another woman, Grandma Rose, knew that the money meant her family was going to be ok.

“It’s going to put more food on the table — more for my family to eat,” said a woman who goes by Grandma Rose.
People had all sorts of things they were going to do with the money! Some were going to buy litter for their cats, some were going to buy food and others weren’t even going to keep the money!
“Do you know how special you are?” he told one woman. “You’re a beautiful spirit,” he told another person.
For our Secret Santa, it wasn’t really about the money.

Money is nice, but his goal was to let people know that they mattered and he cared about them. It was a great way to show that!
“Whether you’re Native American, African American, Christian American, left American, right American — kindness is that common language between us all,” he said.
Check out the video below!
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