Christmas is TRULY the season for giving – there’s just too many stories to doubt it. I don’t know if it’s just the crisp chill in the air or the constant messaging from Christmas movies, but people just seem to be nicer around the holidays. For one waitress in Texas, that giving spirit wasn’t just something she saw online, but right up close.

Kevin Nies and his wife started a special tradition year ago that still changes lives to this day.
Nies and his friend love to go out during the holidays, order a fantastic meal somewhere, and leave a ridiculous tip for their waitress. The idea came up a few years ago when they saw something similar on television, but they have continued the practice each year since.
Each year, the Nies and their friends head out for their meal.

It isn’t just the Nies family that has jumped on this tradition, either! They recruit their friends and pool their money to make the tip something that nobody would ever really expect. The tradition has gotten so popular that Kevin has people call in to add money to the pool who aren’t even able to make it to the meal – people just like giving!
This year, the waitress that was about to have her life changed was Rachel Barney.

Barney is a mom with two teenagers that works as a waitress at a local cracker barrel. As anyone with teenagers knows, they aren’t cheap! Food, sports, clothing, hobbies, and more all add up. During the holiday season, it can be especially hard. It always seems that as kids get older, their gifts get more expensive!
When Barney came into work that day, she had no idea what was about to happen.
We had 21 wonderful friends and neighbors show up this morning to break bread, enjoy friendship and stories, and change someone’s life for a day. – Facebook
Nies and his crew rolled up to Cracker Barrel and had a solid meal. Twenty-one people rolled up to the restaurant with an empty stomach and a generous wallet. Although the total bill was pretty large ($270, to be exact), most waitresses would expect to receive, at most, $50-$60 in tips. This day, however, was bound to have something special.
Standing up, Nies brought Barney over and told her the news.

As you can imagine, immediate tears! In fact, she was so shocked that she didn’t really think it was happening to her.
“I was like, ‘Oh, no.’ I was like, ‘This is something that happens to other people. This doesn’t happen to me. This is what I read about on the news for other people,’” Barney said.
When they finally gave her the news that she was going to receive a $1,300 tip, she was floored.

The group hopes to double their efforts each year on their path to helping people.
“Knowing that you made a difference in their life, even just for that one day, it really fills your heart with joy, and just it’s contagious. It really makes you want to just go help other people,” Nies said.
Making a difference isn’t usually about doing everything for everyone. Instead, it’s about making a big difference in ONE person’s life. For Rachel, that goal seems to have been accomplished!
Check out the video below!
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