You never know when someone could use a little pick me up.
When North Texas Uber driver, Heather Durgin, stopped at Tim Wilkinson’s home to deliver his food order, she noticed that he was having some trouble getting around. He also was having difficulty opening the food delivery bag. “He asked me, ‘hey, I don’t have capability in this hand to undo that knot, will you please untie the bag for me? I said, sure!” – Heather told Fox 4 Dallas-Fort Worth

Heather couldn’t shake a feeling.
The encounter stuck with her after seeing him struggling and alone. Heather was bound and determined to help him out in some way. “I was about in tears..cause I just kept thinking about him, kept thinking about him, and I was like, I need to do something to help him.” – Heather told Fox 4 Dallas-Fort Worth

Heather delivers a care package.
After deciding on a care package for Tim, Heather gets some things together that she thinks may cheer him up. She bought him hot cocoa, a red blanket, and other items. She also left a special note inside that read, “Hey Timothy, I delivered your Eagles Donuts this morning. And I just wanted to bring you some treats. Hopefully, these help bring the smile back. Sorry, it is not much. I hope you have a great day and get better soon.” Your uber driver Heather”

The care package brought tears to his eyes.
Tim was so touched by the thoughtful gift from a complete stranger that he was overcome with emotion. “It made me cry…after I saw what it was it made me cry.” – Tim told Fox 4 Dallas-Fort Worth

Tim reaches out to local media.
With some help, Tim launched a social media campaign to thank Heather for her good deed. Due to Uber’s policy about driver contact information, Tim wasn’t able to reach out to her to thank her. He contacted Lauren Przybyl of Fox 4 Dallas-Fort Worth to try to find Heather. Lauren posted a message on social media in an attempt to help Tim find Heather. The post mentioned that Wilkinson had suffered a stroke and was now homebound. He had been active before the stroke and always met up with friends and family. However, now he uses a walker and doesn’t have use of one of his hands.

“It might not be much to her but to me, it meant the world.” – Tim told Fox 4 Dallas-Fort Worth
“I understand it’s for safety reasons but when she dropped off the things she didn’t even knock or alert me. I only found it because my daughter came by to help me pack up a box today. She obviously wasn’t looking for any accolades but she deserves them. I just want her to know how much it was appreciated.” Tim told Fox 4 Dallas-Fort Worth.
The campaign was a success after Heather’s brother saw the post. Heather and Tim arranged to meet up again.

Tim wanted to show his appreciation.
“I wanted to make sure she knew that it was appreciated,” Wilkinson told Fox4 Dallas-Fort Worth. After the two met up she gave Tim a big hug and visited for a while.

Heather doesn’t need any recognition.
“It wasn’t to get anyone to recognize me for doing it. I think people just need to stop and take a deep breath for a second in their busy lives and look around and see people that might just need a smile or a hug.” – Heather told Fox4 Dallas-Fort Worth,

We can learn a lot from Heather’s act of kindness.
There is even a hashtag that says, #beaheather to encourage others to remember to look in on those who might just need a little smile to brighten their day.
Now watch the video to see this incredible act of kindness.
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