They might be small and still learning all the right moves but these tiny cheerleaders definitely know how to steal the show.
In a video posted on YouTube by Canadian Cheer Videos, the Pocket Sharks, All-Star Tiny Prep 1 squad, took to the stage during the Cheer for the Cure event and dropped the mic on the competition.
The 4-year-old cheerleaders hop out on stage with buckets of energy and an endless amount of spunk.

With big bows and bright smiles, these little tumblers are ready for their big debut.
As they run out on stage you can hear the audience react at the sight of the little competitors. The announcer is heard saying “here come the sharks!!!,” and the crowd cheers. The girls are all smiles and ready to cheer. They look over at each other to making sure they’re all in sync.

One little girl even blows a kiss to the audience.
Some of the girls seem to know the moves while others are waving to their family in the audience. It doesn’t matter if their routine is all over the place because they have already won over the judges.

If they were getting an award for being adorable…they would win hands and pom poms down.
It’s hard to not smile while watching the video, which has been viewed over 1.5 million times. The little squad’s fearless attitude and positive energy are like a bright beacon of sunshine in the auditorium.

They might be adorable but they are very serious about the quality of their routine.
For their age, the girls do an amazing job remembering most of their moves. There are even cartwheels and jumps and of course, big smiles and a lot of running. One little girl even forgets to do a somersault with the group but when she realizes her mistake, she just goes for it. It doesn’t matter that they are onto a new move. At that point, she is the star of the show.

The older ‘Sharks’ also compete in the Cheer for the Cure and they are an inspiration to the young athletes.
Cheerleaders participating in the charity event are able to send a message to someone in their life that is battling cancer. The messages let their loved ones know that they are cheering for them.
The Cheer for the Cure event is an annual competition that raises money for the Canadian Cancer Society.
“In 2012, over 150 teams joined forces to help put an end to breast cancer, participating in this charity event with partial proceeds helping to fund breast cancer research. Ranging from the tiny four year old competitors, to the elite senior divisions, Cheer for the Cure is THE kick-off to the competition season.” – Facebook @ Cheer for the Cure
The tiny but mighty Shark squad should be proud of their efforts on stage as well as helping to support a great cause.

Now watch this adorable video of the Pocket Sharks taking down the competition.
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