Bullies are the absolute worst.
Seriously, nobody likes them. They’re reviled up and down the halls of schools across the world.
But collective disdain doesn’t stop them. They need to be stood up to when they take things too far!
This group of child actors is performing a social experiment – who’s going to stop the bullying?

Two schoolyard bullies approach potential prey.
Without so much as a “hello,” they snatch the bag right out of an innocent bystander’s hands.
Well, that escalated quickly.
The girl in the stripes doesn’t like the look of this encounter. Neither do we.

How else can these bullies torment their new victim?
Now, for a game of monkey in the middle. The bullies toss the bag over her head a few times.
The taunts keep coming.
Some of the characters in Mean Girls would be proud. That’s not a good thing!

The victim seems wildly uncomfortable.
During the encounter, the video even doles out a few bullying statistics:
“70.6 percent of students say they have seen bullying in their schools.”
As you can see, bullying is rampant.
Unfortunately, things are just getting started…
The actors are about to kick things up a notch. They begin the bully routine again, this time in front of a couple of adult strangers.

The bullies approach their victim, again.
Their pestering ramps up, snatching the backpack once more. They waste no time emptying it of its contents.
The victim appears devastated. She looks like she wants to cry!
A voice booms from the background.
“Are you serious right now?”

The couple sitting on the nearby bench can’t stand it anymore.
One of them gets up and puts a stop to the madness, questioning them on what’s going on.
“Why are you guys doing that?”
Then, she starts laying down life lessons, one wise word at a time.
“You need to treat people how you want to be treated.”

Some people simply won’t stand for this nonsense. They opt to tackle bullying head-on!
The bench couple’s the perfect example. When they saw someone in need, they saved the day.
The girls then take their acting talents elsewhere, this time performing in front of a single person.
She wastes absolutely no time confronting the bullies.
“Learn to treat everyone equally”

This situation is far from hopeless.
“We are all human beings… Everyone”
So far, we’ve witnessed everyday heroes rise to the occasion. But the girls have more performances ahead of them.
The girls plan another bullying attempt, as hurtful as always.
“You can almost look human… if you wore some different clothes.”
Those words cut deep.
Knowing this, the woman on the nearest bench springs into action!

The woman gives the girls a stern reprimand. Just look at her face.
“Excuse me… Would you like if I threw your stuff on the ground?”
This is no joke.

Like these upstanding citizens, call out bullies when you see them!
Generally, confrontation should be avoided, but sometimes we all need to make a memorable point for the good of the realm.
“Students who experience bullying are at increased risk for poor school adjustment, sleep difficulties, anxiety, and depression.”
We can’t let bullies keep getting away with it!
Anyway, what do you think of these heroes? What did you make of the adult reactions?
What would you do in the same situation?
Check out the entire video below! The humanity of these adults about moved us to tears.
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