When a child goes missing – it’s a moment of terror for the family.
600 volunteers turned out to help find the youngster after Ethan had been missing for 10 hours.
The Start of the Horror

When Ethan got off the school bus like most youngsters he wanted to go play with the family dog, so he left his siblings to do so.
Temperatures Dropped

Temperatures began to drop to near freezing and nobody had seen Ethan since he had got off the bus.
A Savvy Photographer

A local photographer, Steve Fines, got the idea to use his drone. He knew he could be of help. Even though night had fallen the photographer activated the heat-seeking thermal imaging feature on the drone.
A Sighting

A 1:50 in the morning the photographer saw an image in a cornfield. He saw that it was a usual shape but he thought he saw something that looked like the dog.
Ground Crew Investigates
The deputy with the photographer sent a ground crew out to investigate.
A Great Find

Armed with flashlights the ground crew came across Ethan along with his dog Remy.
Ethan’s Take On The Event

In an interview, Ethan said that when he was lost he was yelling loudly for help. He was able to hear the sound of the drone when it was up in the sky.
A Family Relieved
Words can not express how relieved Mom was that Ethan was found.
Drones Coming To The Rescue Several Times Over
There are a lot of people that don’t know much about drones. But those that do know how valuable they can especially when it comes to saving a life, such as when someone is lost.
Missing Hikers Found

Another story with a big happy ending was the finding of some missing hikers. Douglas County Search and Rescue teams relied on this amazing resource to locate some missing hikers.
75-Year-Old Rescued Thanks to a Drone

An elderly man in Norfolk got separated from friends and family and ended up getting caught in a deep muddy creek. He was caught there overnight until he was spotted with the use of a drone and then rescued. Without the technology of the drone who knows whether he would have even been found in time.
Corn Field Horror

Cornfields are something that many people don’t realize that they could get lost in. Especially for someone that is elderly as one 81-year-old woman discovered in North Carolina. When it was discovered the woman was missing the Police began a search using canines. However, the terrain was too rough and the cornfields created a problem.
After using a drone to assist them it didn’t take long for the authorities to find the woman who had become lost in the cornfield. She was wearing a purple jacket that made it easier for them to spot her.
The Value of Drones
Some may think that Drones are just a toy or a form of entertainment but these stories prove that they are much more than that.
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