Losing a child is a parent’s worst nightmare. Whenever it happens, and whatever the circumstances around the child’s passing, the shock for the parent is very real, and the burden of grief feels unbearable.

There are several stages that parents will go through after the child’s death, and each family copes with this kind of loss in a different way.
Still, what is for sure is that the family should stick together, be strong and united in order to face the loss. Of course, seeking professional help should not be underestimated, since talking to a specialist is likely to ease the pain and provide comfort.

When it all sinks in, sometimes parents realize they have two options going forward: either mourn for the terribleness of the event or celebrate the lost child’s life- no matter how short that was.
One way to celebrate the child’s life and honor their memory is by sharing random acts of kindness.

This is what a mother decided to do in order to honor her late son on what would have been his 24th birthday.
The anonymous woman paid for more than three birthday cakes, leaving a sweet message behind.
When Erica Withers sent her fiance to the local Walmart to pick up her son’s birthday cake, she had no idea that a surprise was in store for them.

The cake had already been paid for and a message was attached to the cake.
“In memory of my son Ian who would be 24 today
Happy Birthday,” the message read.
Withers, a mother of four boys, with her youngest one turning one at the time was touched by the stranger’s act of kindness.

“I was overwhelmed with emotion […] All I could think of is ‘Wow, she is strong. She’s going around on her son’s birthday on a day that should be very difficult for her and she’s going around the city spreading joy, making people happy,” Withers told WXII 12 News.
Withers went on praising the stranger for being so kind and said she admired her for having the strength to do that.

Not only did the stranger pay for the boy’s safari birthday cake, but also for his smash cake, which left the family speechless.
Besides Withers’ cake, the stranger also paid for three more cakes at that bakery, while she also paid for a family’s birthday cupcakes in Lewisville.

This stranger’s random act of kindness restores faith in humanity.
Withers admitted that it made her think that there is still good in the world.
“With so much negativity and all the bad things going on around me, just for her doing that little gesture, it just let me know there are very good people left in the world,” Withers said.
The mother of four praised the stranger’s kindness and said that she is honoring her son in a great way.

Head over to the video below to find out more details of this story that brought tears to our eyes!
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