The people around us who we keep closest are some of the most important people in our lives. We trust them with our hearts, minds and secrets, but do we truly appreciate just how valuable our close friends are to us? They’re the ones who will have our backs no matter what, so let’s break it down and take a closer look at just what makes our best friends so valuable to us. Here’s a list of the ways that our friends improve our lives every single day.

1. They won’t judge you.
There’s no doubt that one of the absolute treasures of our closest friends is that they provide a safe space for us to be honest. This could be in terms of our significant things like thoughts and opinions, or something as simple as wanting to try a new look. They’re the ones who we can open our hearts to, and have faith that they will be honest with us, but not judge us.

2. They know you better than you know yourself.
When you spend so much time with someone, and they truly care about you, it’s natural to absorb their thought processes, their mentalities, and their viewpoints. Because of this, they can often add an invaluable outsider perspective, and with their intrinsic knowledge of you as a person, they can give us an educated estimation of what’s best for us.

3. They will always defend you.
Sometimes, you just need someone to get up to bat for you. Having someone behind you when facing adversity can give you the strength to keep going. Sometimes if you’re in a conflict with a partner or family member, you just need someone to back you up and tell you that you’re not crazy. Even if they tell you that you’re wrong in that case, they can still hold your best interest at heart.

4. They will always be there for you.
When we’re at our lowest, and when life throws us one curveball after another, who’s that one person you know you can call? Having someone who is ready to pick up that phone makes all the difference, and is one of the times when having a close friend can both figuratively and literally be a lifesaver.

5. Your happiness is important to them.
“Our people” are those who think, by themselves and of their own volition, “I wonder how my friend is doing?”. Then they send you a message or give you a call and check in on you. We all need somebody to look out for us, and having those close friends means that someone is keeping an eye out for you.

6. There are no secrets between you.
It’s good to have those people in the world who you never have to cover any new ground with. They know all your dirty little secrets and you know theirs. When things happen in your life that only those closest to you can know about, you’ll be extra grateful for them.

7. They can always make you feel better.
We all have that one or two people in our lives who know just what to say to cheer us up. They can make us laugh and put a smile on our faces even when we’re having the toughest of times. They can truly turn our frowns upside down even when nobody else can.

Let a friend know who grateful you are for them!
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