A video has been touching hearts across the globe, which shows the powerful connection between music, the body, and the mind.
The clip was shared by Música para Despertar (Music to Wake Up), and it features a former prima ballerina named Marta C. González. The Spanish dancer was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s had taken its toll on González’ memory. However, in the moving video, an incredible thing happens.
The former ballerina is sitting in a wheelchair at a nursing home in Valencia. She’s wearing a pair of headphones so the man next to her can play a song from her past.
As soon as music from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake begins to play, González motions for him to turn it up.

Her hand starts to move as she listens to the familiar tune.
According to Música para Despertar, González was a prima ballerina in New York during the 1960s. She had her own ballet school where she was the choreographer, director, and “first dancer.”
While all the details of her history aren’t clear, one thing becomes evident in the video – the music seems to be having an effect on her.

The caregiver gives González a kiss on her hand while the instrumental piece sinks deeper into her soul.

González starts moving her arms as if the Swan Lake choreography had come flooding back.
The former ballerina’s face is full of expression as she gracefully dances in her chair. It’s almost as if she’s been transitioned to another world – one from her past where she’s in the spotlight.

Música para Despertar is a charity that uses music to help those suffering from dementia.
On their website, it says the following (which has been translated):
“Listening to the music of your life with headphones improves the condition and quality of life of people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.”
According to the Spanish organization, it can help boost patients’ moods, improve their memory, their socialization, and more.

Eventually, all the people in the room clap for the elegant dancer.

Afterwards, an emotional González speaks with the caregiver.
He takes her hand and they talk about the experience. It’s obvious she’s been deeply affected by the music that she danced to many years before.
Dejamos algunas fotografías más, que ilustran la historia de Marta.
Bellisima Marta. ❤
Poco a poco vamos consiguiendo…Posted by Música para Despertar on Wednesday, November 11, 2020
People everywhere have had their heartstrings pulled by the video.
Even celebrities are taking to social media to share how touched they’ve been by it. Actress Jennifer Garner wrote:
“Our innate connection to music, to movement, to the arts, is beautiful. This former ballerina’s sense memory of Swan Lake—just does me in, it’s so lovely. Thank you to everyone in the fight against Alzheimer’s.”

YouTube users have left comments like:
“Truly beautiful. My mother had Alzheimer’s too. She could not communicate or do anything for herself. But she never forgot how to sing to her favourite songs. Music is so powerful.”

Another person wrote:
“I love this so much! It breaks my heart and heals it at the same time. My grandmother died having suffered [Alzheimer’s]. I played the piano and sang for her her favorite songs and got the same reaction. Music cannot be underestimated.”

The viral video featuring Marta C. González might have you grabbing a box of tissues. May she forever dance ballet in the sky!
Press play below to watch this moving clip for yourself.
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