Anyone who has aging parents knows how scary it can be to get a call from the paramedics saying something had happened to their parent.
All the different scenarios that run through one’s mind can be terrible.

Gratitude, however, is not something most people would expect to feel at a time like that.
But it was exactly what the Goshen children felt when they received that call.
90-year-old Annie Goshen had been cutting flowers in her garden when she tripped over a rock and fell, unable to get herself back up.

The woman lay on the ground, not knowing what to do, until a hero arrived.
Joey Herrera, a pizza deliver man working for Westshore Pizza in Florida, had just finished a delivery when he thought he saw someone laying on the ground.
Joey got out of his car to see if everything was alright when he found the grandmother laying on the grass.

He immediately helped the woman up and into her home, getting her settled in a living room chair.
He offered to get the woman a glass of water before calling to paramedics to make sure Annie was ok, he waited with her until they showed up.
It was Annie’s Ring doorbell camera that captured the encounter, and you could see the concern coming off of the young man.

The paramedics showed up and checked the woman over, then called her daughters to inform them of what had happened.
They women were incredibly grateful to the man and said that without his help, it was very likely that Annie would have died where she fell.
Annie was shaken up after the fall but was extremely thankful to Joey, pulling him in for a big hug.

“It literally felt like I was seeing my own grandmother on the floor.” Joey told Inside Edition in an interview.
Joey eventually met the Goshen sisters as they shared their gratitude to him, they thanked him and told him they loved him for what he had done.
That wasn’t the end of it though, the Goshen family was so thankful that they raised $350 to give to the young man.

His boss at Westshore Pizza also praised Joey and gave him a bonus.
Though it may seem like something anyone would do, that is unfortunately not the case, at least one person walked past Annie’s garden as she lay on the ground.
While it is possible they didn’t notice her and couldn’t hear her, we can’t be sure that that is actually the case.

Joey really is a hero in this scenario, and the fact that he stayed with her until the paramedics came proves that.
He wasn’t trying to rush the situation, just calmly helped her inside, got her a drink, and talked with her as they waited for medical help.
“I was so afraid when I saw you laying there.” Joey could be heard telling Annie over the Ring camera, and the concern on the mans face was clear as day in the video footage.

Meet the hero Joey the Pizzaman in the video linked below.
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