People love being savoring the happy moments and not let anything get in the way. But when the happiest days of a person’s life is happening, it’s always nice to have a copy of that memory.
What was the happiest day of your life? Do you have a photo that captured that moment?
These 35 people were able to have their happiest moments captured with a camera.
Want to be a witness to the happiest days of their lives? Start the slideshow.
1. Upgraded to business class
This couple was upgraded to business class on their flight from Dubai to Amsterdam. Can you guess it’s their first time? They took advantage of everything in the business class section, including the drinks and food. Plus they met new friends! According to the couple, they had a grand time onboard their most luxurious flight.

2. Standing on both feet
Within two months, she had compound fracture on her ankles, surgery and a long recovery period. This is the first day that she’s finally standing on her own two feet by herself!

3. They arrested a 99-year-old woman!
The Dutch police arrested this woman, can you believe it? They arrested her for two minutes. It turns out being arrested is part of her bucket list. And the police were happy to oblige.

Twitter/Global Newsroom
4. Cat found!
When you’ve lost your home, and your things, it can be okay, as long as you’ve got your family with you. But this poor woman lost her cat in the tornado. But they never gave up, that’s why, after 16 days, they found each other again!

5. They’re engaged!
And it’s the best day of their life. Because now, they get to marry each other’s best friend! (They’re each other’s best friend, if that wasn’t clear.)

Instagram/Amanda Krieg
6. 2015 vs 2017
She used to really have bad skin. Then she tried the pill that would change her life. And now, she doesn’t need to cover up her skin anymore.

7. First day on the job
She was unemployed for two years before she finally got a new job. She was so excited to leave for work on her first day, she couldn’t stop smiling. Her daughter had to take a photo to document this happiest day in her life.

8. Surprise outside the hospital
He was in the hospital for treatment after a suicide attempt. Finally, his treatment was complete and he got to go home. When he stepped outside the hospital, all of his friends came to see him. It was the best day of his life.

9. A special gift from the author
This little boy was in a car accident. And he said he’s lucky he’s Spiderman or he wouldn’t have survived. One of the writers of the Spiderman comics saw the original tweet and sent this boy a care package. Can you guess what was inside the package?

10. Will the dog like the kitty?
They were super worried that their dog might not like the new kitty. Judging by the smile on his face, he’s definitely happy to have a new sibling!

11. Audrey’s birthday request
Audrey said she wouldn’t celebrate her birthday if she didn’t get a poop-themed party. Her parents obliged and bought her poop balloons and poop-shaped cake. Audrey was thrilled.

12. He’s home!
She celebrated her Reddit birthday by posting this photo. This was one of the happiest days of her life. Her husband has just come back from a tour in Iraq.

13. A life-changing transformation
Jose has been living on the streets of Palma, Spain for 25 years. He had befriended a lot of people over the years, including some of the stylists at the salon, La Salvajeria. One day, the salon’s owner, Salva, invited him inside the salon. Once inside, they pampered Jose with a haircut, beard trim, new hair color, and even new clothes, all free of charge. When they showed him his final look, he was shocked and asked if that was really him. He showed off his new look around town and inspired a local company to give him financial assistance to get back on his feet.

The Chive
14. Twin babies are out!
This dad is happy his twin babies are out! According to one of his comments, his wife had a high-risk pregnancy with the twins so it was truly the happiest day of his life when they came out.

15. His first time
It was his first time holding a cat. Look at him, so happy! Can’t say the same about the cat. Although, almost all cats hate being held anyway.

16. She said yes!
Even though he knows how much she loves him, guys are still so nervous when proposing because they never know! But this guy can smile because she said yes!

17. Happy baby
This baby can’t contain himself when he saw his mom. He’s all smiles and his legs are up in the air. His mom is so happy to see him, too.

18. The judge has ruled
The three kids can finally go home as their kids officially! It’s a good day all over for everyone!

19. “I’m also Joe Mcgrath”
Joe got a message from a guy named “Dan” out of the blue. He was going on a vacation to Spain with his friends and one of their friends, also named Joe Mcgrath, refused to go at the last minute. Dan asked him if Joe would like to go in his place and he didn’t have to pay anything. Joe took a chance, especially since his boss approved his leave. It turned out to be one of the best vacations he’s had.

Facebook/Joe Mcgrath
20. Lots of legroom for him
The guy is 6’2″ and is used to crampled leg room on the plane. Well, he finally got a seat with this much legroom. Be happy for him!

21. He’s seeing colors
Grandpa is color blind. And when glasses for color blind people became available, his family decided to buy him one. He was overcome with joy when he saw colors for the first time.

22. Reunited!
For most people, the soldiers are people’s heroes. For this soldier, his hero is probably his dad. And he was reduced to tears when they were finally in each other’s arms again.

23. What a time to be alive!
She may be 96 but when she enjoys something, she really enjoys it! She saw a huge dragon on the ceiling when she looked up in this VR game. She’s having so much fun!

24. After 16 years, her mom’s getting married again!
She’s so happy her mom has finally found someone to love again. She hadn’t seen her mom in a year and decided to visit her and her fiance. One thing was for sure, she had never seen her mom this happy in 16 years.

25. He finally saw his wife
He’s been blind for 10 years. Thanks to these bionic glasses, he’s finally seen his wife for the first time in ten years!

26. Dream achieved
Her dream was to get into music school. Dream achieved.

27. Yeah, this happened
Last week, at the arcade, his cousin hit the jackpot. Somebody’s very, very happy.

28. The welcoming committee
They were there to pick up her sister’s dog. As soon as they stepped into the farm, twelve corgis greeted him instantly. Only four made it to the photo.

29. It wasn’t her vows he was laughing at
It was her turn to say her vows, which had him laughing so hard. She said, “I promise to love you in sickness and in health. Especially in sickness since you gave me the flu a week before our wedding and now I sound like a 90 year old man.” Everybody in the wedding was laughing as well.

30. Back at sea, six years later
She hadn’t been back to the sea since she young and on vacation with her parents. As a student living in the central part of Europe with limited funds, she was so happy to finally come back.

31. He finally flew a plane
He’s come a long way. He’s gone from taxi driver to parachute jump pilot to flight instructor/examiner and business jet pilot. Finally, he reached his dream of becoming an Airbus A320 airline pilot. Three days later, he flew his first plane.

32. The best bridesmaid
She was getting married. And her 92-year-old grandma was her most beautiful bridesmaid. It was the bride’s happiest day of her life.

33. It’s been a long time
His grandpa received a surprise visit from his navy commander. And it looks like the two haven’t seen each other in a very, very long time.

34. Best night out with mom
He went out for paint night with his mom. And it was the best night he’s had in a long time.

35. Let it snow
This is the first time he’s seen, touched, and played with snow. Ever. He probably spent hours enjoying the snow.

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Sources: Brightside, Brightside