Convertirse en padre es una experiencia tan hermosa. Es uno de los trabajos más desafiantes que aceptaremos, pero ver a nuestro hijo crecer para ser una buena persona es la mejor recompensa que podemos recibir.
Desafortunadamente, no todos los padres podrían ver crecer a sus hijos.
Cuando ve a su hijo por primera vez, es inexplicable. La felicidad, el amor que sientes en tu corazón es demasiado. No importa cuán desafiante sea la situación, mientras veas a ese niño, tus fuerzas se renuevan.
Ser padre significa que cuidamos, cuidamos y protegemos. Hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para asegurarnos de que nuestros bebés estén cómodos, bien alimentados, seguros y protegidos. Nuestro hijo es lo primero y haremos todo por él. Incluso damos nuestras propias vidas por ellos, pero algunas cosas están fuera de nuestras manos.
Coralynn Eve Sobolik era una alegre niña de un año. Ella era la felicidad de sus padres y su mundo. Se aseguraron de que su pequeña niña estuviera protegida, feliz y segura; sin embargo, un día, una noticia devastadora destrozó sus mundos.
A pesar de que hicieron todo lo posible para proteger a su querido hijo, ella contrajo un virus que rápidamente le robó la salud a la pequeña Coralynn.
[imgsrc caption = "Los ángeles de Coralynn / Captura de pantalla de YouTube" link = ""]
What she contracted was parainfluenza, and her tiny body quickly experienced complications. Her parents were devastated as her condition worsened, so they decided and rushed her to a local hospital.
Their local hospital advised them to transfer her to Mayo Clinic Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota, because her condition wasn’t getting better.
They had to sedate the poor little girl and intubate her for the ride, but then, during that procedure, Coralynn’s heart stopped.
[imgsrc caption="Coralynn's Angels / YouTube Screenshot" link=""]

For 25 minutes, the medical staff performed CPR on the little girl, and she stabilized. They were able to get the baby admitted, where they checked her heart and echocardiogram.
According to the results, they were fine, but the doctors found out that she suffered brain damage.
Everything happened really fast, Coralynn’s parents were hurt seeing their baby in such a condition. They knew, deep inside, that once she wakes up, she will be different. That fact didn’t matter to them. All they wanted was to see their baby wake up and smile at them again. The pain of seeing your child sick, unconscious, and hurting is truly heart-wrenching. Still, they were hopeful.

In just one night, the little girl’s condition turned for the worse.
The next day, at 4:45 p.m. on April 21, 2019, the doctors told Meagan and Paul that their baby girl was already brain dead.
“I dropped to my knees and cried and kept saying, ‘No, no, no, God, no.’ I then felt numb and felt empty.”
That moment, you could only feel your heavy breathing; everything becomes unclear. Every heartbeat hurts, slowly realizing that your baby will soon be gone.

Paul and Meagan held on to each other. Trying to be strong during this painful time of their lives. Everything was so sudden and so painful.
That’s when they decided that they could still do something. That even though their little girl couldn’t return to them, she could still save other people and still live through them.
They decided to donate her organs to other children who are still fighting for another chance in life.
“There is now no chance of our little girl recovering but she is still with us and is in the process of organ donation. She became an angel today but tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon she will go into surgery and become a superhero and give the wonderful gift of life to up to eight different people that are in desperate need of these organs. We have tonight to be with Cora and will give her the most love we have ever given her yet.”

When a patient/donor is wheeled into surgery, it can be called many names. Some call it the Honor Walk, some call it the Walk of Respect, and some call it a Heroes Walk.
It’s beautiful but heartbreaking at the same time as this moment will save lives, but it also means losing one.
All the doctors, hospital staff, nurses, and Coralynn’s family gathered in the hallway – waiting for this little angel to be transferred to the surgery room –all of them paying their respect to this little hero.

She may not be able to live, but she will save others.
This was recorded by one of the hospital’s staff, and we see the bed being wheeled to the surgery room. They started singing “Amazing Grace,” a song to honor Coralynn’s life and sacrifice. She is a hero, a little angel not just for her family but also for the people she will save.
We can also hear Coralynn’s mom whispering, “You get to save three people. I love you forever.”

We can see the pain in the eyes of all the people in the hospital. Seeing such a beautiful baby’s final moments, as if saying goodbye to her parents. We all know how great it is for her to save people, but it doesn’t change the fact that she will also say goodbye.
The video was genuinely heartbreaking; you just can’t help but feel that deep hurt and the pain. As well as the overwhelming fact that this tiny baby will save three lives.
According to People, Cora saved a 1-year-old boy who received her heart, a girl, who was also a year old who received her liver, and a 41-year-old woman who then received her kidneys.

Meagan and Paul wanted to inspire other people. They are hoping that their little girl’s organ donations would be an eye-opener for others.
She [Coralynn] still lives on. She saved lives and gave three people a second chance in life.
“Our daughter was absolutely the world to us. She was such a happy little girl and always laughing — her laugh was infectious. Cora is our little superhero, and I believe is becoming an inspiration for millions of people and also helping to raise awareness for organ donation all over the world.”

You can watch the video of Cora as she is surrounded by the amazing hospital staff who took care of her as she bids goodbye to everyone – allowing her to give a second chance in life to others. Fly high little Cora, you are a hero.
Warning: The video will surely make you cry.
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