“To me, it’s a miracle,” Julie Anne said.
Losing something precious and having it turn up again is always cause for celebration. Most of the time, the item we lost is in the most obvious spot in the world and we can’t believe that we missed it! Still, other times it isn’t so obvious and it turns out that some crazy turn of events forced us to look somewhere we don’t normally check.
For one family, a lost item would somehow follow them across the country and end up in their neighborhood Goodwill!

Julie Anne and Mike Lisi are a couple from Ohio that was spending some vacation time in Tequesta, Florida when something amazing happened.

The couple would regularly spend time in their vacation home during the summer, doing all of the fun summer things you do in a beach town like Tequesta. One day, Julie Anne was shopping in the nearby Goodwill when she noticed something strange.
Simply browsing, Julie Anne noticed something familiar hidden among the shelves.

Sitting on one of the many shelves was a baseball glove. This wasn’t any ordinary baseball glove, however, because it had some familiar handwriting inside. Incredibly, the handwriting appeared to belong to Julie Anne’s son, Christopher.
“I just walked in and there sitting on the edge of a shelf on the bottom shelf was this mitt, sitting so that I could see the name, ‘Christopher Lisi’ on it,” Julie Anne Lisi told WPTV.

Taking the glove off the shelf, she took a photo of it and sent it to Christopher, her son.

Holding the glove in her hands, Julie Anne explained that she was totally overcome with emotion. The coincidence was too much, especially after how long ago the glove had been lost, plus that it showed up over a thousand miles away.
“My knees got wobbly and I got weak and scared,” Julie Anne said.
Mike, her husband, took a look at the glove as well:
“She was in tears, shaking then she showed me the glove and I understood,” Mike told WPTV.

Only a few moments later, she got a text from Christopher saying “Buy It.”

For the small price of $1.49, Julie Anne held a priceless childhood heirloom that the family had believed to be gone forever. The baseball glove had gone missing over 40 years ago in Ohio, right after Christopher had won a championship baseball game back in 1978 when he was only 12 years old. In that game, he had hit two home runs.
At some point during the game, it had been set down, never to be seen again.

“He had won the championship and in the hullaballoo and the handing out of trophies he probably set it down on a bench and somebody walked away with it,” Mike explained.
What makes the find even more incredible is that Julie Anne had never donated anything besides books to Goodwill (in Ohio), meaning that the journey of how the glove got to the Florida store is a mystery. Regardless, Julie Anne saw the event as a total miracle.
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