You never know when you might be in need of a helping hand, but you probably wish that if this moment ever comes, you will meet people that will be kind enough to help you out.
They say what “goes around, comes around”, and this is definitely the case for the protagonist of our story.

Meet Wyatt Jones, a 16-year-old teenager who was working at a McDonald’s drive-thru restaurant in Ohio. One evening, during his shift, a family van pulled up and ordered a big meal, but when the time to pay came, the mom said that she would have to cancel the order as she had forgotten her purse at home.

So, what did this generous young man do? Although Wyatt was just sixteen years old and he was just a simple employee at McDonald’s, he didn’t hesitate for a minute. He retrieved his credit card and paid for the family’s dinner from his own pocket!
Wyatt would never have imagined that this simple act of kindness on his part would get so great proportions and such publicity. You probably ask yourselves the same question, well everything had started long before the mother pulled up her van at the McDonald’s that evening.
Brittany Reed, mom of three, was having a very difficult and stressful evening. She had just picked up her children from football practice when the kids being tired, started to act up. Her younger son started crying and soon her older daughter joined in after hearing they would have red potatoes for dinner.
This drove the young mom to tell her kids that they were having McDonald’s for dinner. So, acquiring this meal for the kids became really important to Brittany. The condition in the car hadn’t changed much as the young children kept crying all the way to the restaurant. Britanny was starting to feel really exhausted and stressed by all this pressure.

So, when she realized that she had forgotten her purse, she was on the verge of tears herself. This was definitely a rather unlucky day for her. But, everything brightened up when this stranger-teenager offered to pay for her family’s meal.
The mom of three was so shocked but also touched by the kindness of this young boy, especially when he refused to take her money when she told him she was definitely coming back to repay him. The boy just said, “No it’s totally fine, my pleasure”.

Nevertheless, Brittany didn’t forget. She went back to the restaurant and gave him more money than the meal had cost because she wanted him “to know that when you put good out in the world it comes back to you tenfold!”. What a truly amazing story and it doesn’t end here!

Britanny felt the need to share Wyatt’s act of kindness with the whole world, on the 22nd of September she posted on her Facebook page, “I just want his parents to know how KIND & COMPASSIONATE your son was tonight! He made this stressed out momma pause for a moment and realize this is exactly what we parents are trying to do, raise great humans. Well Wyatt sir, you are an amazing human!!!”.

The story gained even more publicity after Brittany’s family learned that Wyatt was working at McDonald’s to get his own car, and they created a GoFundMe for Wyatt. The original wished amount was at $5,000, but the amount skyrocketed to $44,637 in donations.
Even the McDonald’s restaurant upon hearing about Wyatt’s good deed they decided to hold a ceremony to honor him, declaring October 7 as “Wyatt Jones Day”. Imagine how just a simple act of kindness can change your life!

“I don’t know how to put it into words just because of how crazy it was. It’s just a small act of kindness and everything blew up and it’s amazing to think that something like that can get you this far,” said Wyatt.
Hopefully, more people will follow Wyatt’s example and help their fellow citizens in need. Life is really unpredictable, so do a good deed and you never know when it comes back to you tenfold.
If you would like to see the whole News piece on Wyatt, check out the video below.
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