There is a special kind of horror felt when there’s a kidnapping. For children, it’s a traumatic ordeal that can leave them scarred for life. As for parents, it’s the worst nightmare brought to reality. The very idea that a stranger can take your child to who-knows-where can leave you with a chill crawling down your spine.
Nothing can make you feel more vulnerable or helpless than a kidnapping.

Luckily, the world has no shortage of decent people who will always do the right thing.

It was a typical Friday afternoon in early July when Prentiss Weatherford was outside his home in suburban Louisville, Kentucky. Weatherford’s neighbor, a six-year-old girl, played on her bike when a stranger approached her, grabbed her by the collar, and tossed her into his car before driving away.

Weatherford immediately went into action and chased after the alleged kidnapper before losing him.
Even though the incident happened so quickly, the hero was able to identify three digits on the license plate, as well as the type of car the suspect drove, a red Dodge Challenger.
Weatherford also identified the suspect as being white with dark hair. Even though the information was scarce, it proved to be instrumental in the rescue of the little girl.

An entire division of the Lousiville police department searched for the girl. Ten minutes later, two officers found the alleged kidnapper.
The first pair on the scene was Sergeant Joe Keeling and Officer Jason Burba. Body-cam footage showed the two apprehending the suspect, ordering him to stay down on his knees with his hands up.

The two found the red Challenger, opened the door, and found the frightened six-year-old sitting in the passenger seat, crying but safe.

One of the officers carried out the girl, who was crying and clinging to her rescuer.
“I want my daddy!” she sobbed.
If there’s one thing guaranteed to break any parents’ heart, it’s seeing such a scared girl cry out for her father.

Thankfully, the suspect was apprehended, and the police returned the little girl to her family.

The two officers praised Weatherford’s actions, citing them as critical in a kidnapping situation.
As for Weatherford, his efforts were recognized by national news and praised by law enforcement and civilians alike.
“Thank you for the kind words,” Weatherford said in an interview with Inside Edition, “I really appreciate it and just hope you guys would do the same in that situation.”

Everyone has an obligation while living in a community: to watch each other’s back regardless of age. It’s essential to adhere to our collective sense of basic human decency.
The true heroes aren’t just flying, cape crusaders; they can be anyone, from anywhere. Whether it’s someone in the emergency services, law enforcement, military, or even just a random bystander, you can always count on someone doing the right thing.
Be sure to watch the video below to see more on this incredible rescue!
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