Chris Robarge used to rent a home some time ago. It was actually after he had gotten divorced and, as he admitted, it was the first place he could actually call “home”.
This was apparently because of the nice landlord who, despite the stereotypes that come with this word, was kind and helped Robarge stand on his feet again after his marriage ended.
Some time after Chris left the place, it was sold. Only a while later, he received a call from his former landlord asking him what his new address was.

This sounded weird to Robarge because he had settled everything with his ex-landlord before moving out. Still, he shared his new address not knowing what to expect.
Soon, he got a letter from the former landlord. Besides the letter, the envelope he received also contained a $2,500 check.

Robarge was shocked.
“Yesterday I got this in the mail. It’s a letter from that person, informing me that they sold their house and that they were paying me and every tenant they ever had for what we contributed to the profit they made from selling the house,” the man wrote in a Facebook post.

You see, the person who owned the place had managed to sell it for a higher price than they had initially bought it, so they figured it was only fair to share some of the money with former tenants.
After all, the tenants that had rented the house over the years helped the owner pay the mortgage.

As Robarge shared, it took him more than a day to realize what had just happened. The former landlord’s gesture was beyond his expectations. In fact, it had never crossed his mind that someone could be so kind and generous.
As he made sure to highlight in his post, there are many people who talk about their values, but very few who actually live these values.

Sharing that person’s gesture- with their permission, although their name remains unknown- hopefully, will inspire others to live their values and give back to their community when they get the chance.
As he explained, he will not be keeping the whole amount for himself. He wants to pay this good deed forward and that’s why he will be giving away the money to non-profit organizations.
Specifically, he mentioned Black and Pink Massachusetts, Worcester Free Fridge, and OurStory Edutainment.
He is also going to keep $500 which he does need, and give away the remaining amount to people in the streets.
Robarge’s post soon went viral. It has been shared almost 10k times and hundreds of people have commented about how amazing the landlord’s gesture was.

“Wonderful surprise! There are still some caring people in the world!” someone wrote, while someone else commented: “”WOW that’s unheard of! What a beautiful, and real, gesture.”
Many users also admitted that this story made them cry.
Indeed, it was a heartwarming gesture and a reminder that being kind to others and giving back is what really matters in life.
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