It’s always nice to hear about stories that warm the heart. Particularly those that involve the younger generations.
Kids have always gotten a bad rep. Whether because they’re too loud, too messy, or simply don’t listen, there are always going to be complaints about them. But before we generalize an entire population, we should take a step back and try and get to know some of these kids.

Sure, they can be the things listed above but they are human also! As you may know, humans can be many things including, kind, thoughtful, and selfless. Nowadays, we are able to catch these characteristics on camera and share them with the world.
That is exactly how one Lincoln, Nebraska teen was praised for his good deed.
On a snowy and icy day, Owen Sullivan and a friend were driving in their neighborhood when Sullivan lost control and struck a mailbox with his truck. But instead of driving away, (unfortunately, that isn’t uncommon), the teen gathered all of the money he had and wrote a note.

He then approached the house of the mailbox that he hit and offered an apology. He explained what happened and attempted to give the homeowner money to fix the mailbox.

But Crystal Collins, the woman who answered the door, refused to take it.
She reassured him that it was okay and not to worry about it. But Sullivan couldn’t let it go. He still felt very guilty for damaging her mailbox. So, he and his friend decided to bake her cookies instead.
He told 1011 Now their decision was simple, “…we can make cookies, we have time.”
When he arrived, Collins wasn’t there but her husband accepted them on her behalf.

Sullivan thought that was the end of it. But Collins was so touched by the young man’s gestures, she wanted to track him down and thank his parents.

Collins was simply in awe of his thoughtfulness.
“It was really, really refreshing, there’s a lot of ugly things in this world, and I wanted to share the post especially with his parents,” she said.
She posted a couple of still images from her security camera on Facebook asking for help tracking down the teen for his kind deeds. As luck would have it, Sullivan’s mom, Jamy Sullivan, saw the post and became emotional.
“I honestly got teary-eyed, because it was so, it’s just nice to know your kids do good things when you’re not around,” she said.

But to Sullivan, it was simply the right thing to do.
“Well, their mailbox still isn’t right and I still feel bad about the whole thing.”
But the Collins’ reassured the teen, once again, that everything is fine. In fact, they were planning on getting a new one in the summer.

In the meantime, whenever Sullivan is in need of a pick-me-up, he has several positive comments on Facebook by thousands of users.
“This is great. Way to go, Owen! I know you parents are proud of you!”
“Faith in humanity restored! I know some kids AND adults that could take some lessons from him!! His parents should be proud and Owen you should be proud of yourself!!”
“praise to those parents, but even more praise for the kid, as it takes an even bigger person to live up to the expectations your parents set”
What a sweet and thoughtful gesture, Owen! Teens are quietly working to restore our faith in humanity one kind act at a time.

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