That time of the year is fast approaching, and while things are going to be a whole lot different this time, the family spirit definitely won’t be going away.
While this video took place in 2018, it’s hard not to smile at it 2 years later. Besides, you might have had few things to smile about lately.

This choir performs “Celebrate The Season”, and while the performance isn’t the focus or highlight of this story, it’s certainly a splendid bonus. These children have done their practice and lots of it. Seeming no older than junior year, their voices are still pretty high-pitched.

And they put those voices to good use! Though notice the girl that the camera zooms in on. That’s Avery Hinton.

Like the rest of the choir, she’s committed to giving the best performance she possibly can. While the focus is on her, the other kids are doing a might fantastic job, too.
That harmony is top-notch, and not a single person is off-key. Clearly, this school knows how to teach music.

Notably, part of their repertoire is the lyrics “Celebrate the season with friends and family”. Avery has no clue, but those lyrics are unintentionally foreshadowing a surprise.

When the singing is over and done with, a school official makes her way to the mic for a big announcement. Her Christmas tradition, she says, is to have all her kids home and safe for Christmas. So with her shared experiences, it was only fitting that she got to announce the surprise.

“It is our great joy to have a reunion tonight of a family who has been apart for a whole year – and we have someone who has been serving in Africa for a whole year.”

No more than a second or two passes when Avery realizes that she’s talking about her.
“Miss Avery Hinton, you have a present under the tree.”
Avery can do nothing else but widen her eyes and drop her jaw, all before covering her mouth and holding back tears. By the Christmas tree, watching her this whole time, was her mother who’d been serving in the military the past year.

Mom and daughter hug and cry in front of everyone, and the moment is a great ending to the night after the performance. Now, Avery really can celebrate the season with friends and family.

Although Avery is far from the only child who had to wait this long to see her family again.
Over 1.3 million people in the U.S are actively doing military service, so that gives you some idea of how many families just like Avery’s there are.
Serving your country is one mighty demanding job and many who do have few other options. Military parents like Avery’s need to support the very families they love. Unfortunately, that means the sacrifice of having to be apart for a very long time.

This year, we’ve known nothing but having to make sacrifices to protect each other. So it’s a learning time if you choose to see things that way!
And while there may be millions of more moments like this happening all across the country, every single one is still as sweet as the last.
Christmas may not be the same this year, but giving this moment a watch should remind you to be thankful for having a family with you amidst everything going on. Watch it all unfold down below, and don’t forget to share!
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