For most of us, 72 years is an unimaginable amount of time. But for one Colorado couple, it’s how long they’ve been side by side as a married couple.
Leonard and Shirley Matties are 91 years old.
They live together in Burlington, Colorado in a senior living facility. They recently celebrated 72 years of marriage. Their family threw a party to celebrate the day. But one of their caretakers helped make it even more special.

Ardis Behrendsen is a Certified Nurses’ Aide at Grace Care Manor Center.
She worked with one of the couple’s seven children, Carolyn Martell, to make the day one to remember.
“Working with the elderly has always been a huge passion to me,” said Behrendsen. “What I got to be a part of today was the most beautiful experience.”

Behrendsen suggested getting Shirley a special dress to wear on her anniversary.
She and the other caretakers helped her put on the dress. Then they pushed her out in her wheelchair to meet her groom.
Shirley Matties was dressed in a beautiful pink gown. As her husband saw her, his face lit up with pure happiness. It was clear he loved her even more than he had on their wedding day.

Behrendsen said it was an emotional experience for the couple and witnesses.
“Not only was I able to get this beautiful bride a dress and doll her all up, but I was also able to take pictures of their very special day and capture the love and commitment they have for each other, even after 72 years,” she said.
With the family’s permission, she shared the story on social media. There, it quickly gained attention. People were touched and inspired by the love between this husband and wife.

Martell said her parents’ philosophy has always been that marriage is a team effort.
Even during the hard times, they kept working at their relationship. They were doing something right. Their marriage has lasted seven decades and produced seven children.
“Leonard and Shirley are such a beautiful example of what true love is and prove that when you truly love someone, you fix what is broken and love each other through all the hard times you may face,” said Behrendsen. “I can’t even begin to tell you how it felt to witness so much love and emotion today, seeing the look on Leonard’s face when I brought Shirley out was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.”

On seeing his bride, Leonard reached out and took her hand.
They smiled at one another. Pictures from the day show them cuddling together as though they’re still young.

Martell says her mother has been diagnosed with dementia. This has been a challenge for Leonard, who doesn’t always understand why she can’t remember him. But on that special day, they knew one another perfectly and all that mattered was their love.
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