Jamie Carlton got an alert from his home security system about three kids outside his home. He immediately checked out his CCTV footage, and he was shocked by what he saw.
It was your typical hot summer day. Of course, kids would be bored at home, and as parents, we wouldn’t want them to stay inside and use their phones, right? So when Ashley Dayton, Haylie Wenke, and her little brother Reagan Wenke went out that day, they expected to have loads of fun!

This happened two years ago, it was July 18, and the sun was high up. The weather was so nice, and the three friends went out to their local park to spend time together, cool off, and play.
“We were there for about an hour and a half and then we were heading back when we saw it,” says Haylie in an interview with Denver CBC local.
They headed back home, and as they rode their bikes, something caught their attention. Underneath a car, they saw something that made them stop.

They knew it was something important, and they also knew what they had to do with it.
“It was like a black wallet and it was obvious because it was like, under the car,” said Ashley.
They immediately took the wallet, but they didn’t plan on keeping it or even spending the money inside it. The black wallet that they found had money inside it, and it was something that will test these kid’s attitudes.

Everything was caught on camera, and what they did next will restore anyone’s faith in humanity.
The three children decided to go to the front door of Jamie Carlton’s home, and they gave it back. In the CCTV video, you can hear one of the kids saying:
“We found your wallet outside of your car and we just thought we would give it back to you. I don’t know, I’m going to put it over here so no one takes any money.”

Then they left and that’s it. They didn’t even try to look inside the wallet or discuss what to do with it. They knew right away that they needed to return the wallet to the owner.
“Someone else could take it and it’s not safe to leave it there in plain sight,” says Haylie.
They didn’t even know that their kind actions were being recorded on the CCTV.

The owner of the wallet was beyond touched by their actions. He was proud of them, and he wanted to know who these kids were. That’s the reason why he decided to upload this video on his Facebook account. He wanted to personally thank the children.
He was contacted by the mother of the two children, and he said that they should be proud of their children. After all, not all children will do the right thing. For a child, finding a wallet stuffed with money is like finding a treasure to keep for themselves.

This video just proves that these kids were able to do the right thing, even though no one is looking, and even though no one is recording. They knew what they had to do, and that’s what they did. For them, it wasn’t even a big deal.
But in reality, it is a big deal. Let’s face it, not everyone will do the right thing when faced with the same situation, right? What more for children who will see a wallet with $700?

Jamie Carlton said that this video will “refresh your faith in humanity,” and he was right.
Watch the whole video here, and don’t forget to share this to inspire more people.
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