They say there are no bad dogs, only bad owners. For this reason, unfortunately, you can never trust a dog you don’t know.
One 9-year-old girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time when she was riding her bike down an Eagle Mountain street and two large dogs went in for the attack.

It was incredibly lucky that she had both a helmet and a coat on, which helped to protect her from the worst of the bites. But it still must have been a terrifying experience.
The two dogs, identified as a Mastiff and Wire Terrier, had managed to force their way through a fence and make it out onto the sidewalk at around 4:30 pm.

Chris Greicius, a resident whose security cameras filmed the whole thing, was alerted to the attack by the little girl’s screams. He raced down the street to help her, fearing the worst.

Recalling the horrifying moment, he said:
“It was the scream of just sheer terror. It wasn’t your, ‘I skinned my knee, I’m hurt, come help me.’ It was, you know, life-threatening, ‘I’m screaming because I’m going to die’ type of scream.”

The little girl’s mom, Rachel Clarke, still can’t bring herself to watch the video of the attack and said she felt “guilty” when she held her little girl after Chris had chased the dogs away. Speaking about the attacking dogs, she said:
“Perhaps their animal that is happy and sweet around their family might not be to other kids.”

The owners’ dogs were not taken from them, but they were shaken and upset by the attack, according to Sargent Spencer Cannon of the Utah County Sheriff’s Office.

Because their fence wasn’t a good enough means of preventing their dogs from escaping, the owners were cited by police. Though they didn’t want to appear on camera, they told Fox13 that they felt horrible about what happened. Their dogs are currently being held at a local shelter, and they hope to be reunited with them after 10 days.

Not everybody is happy about this, including the little girl’s rescuer, Chris. He said:
“I do believe that once a dog has crossed that line, that’s it. I mean, you can’t unprogramme that. We’re talking a bite radius of her entire waist. It would not have been hard for it to grab her across the neck or even the head and cause some serious injuries.”

It’s likely that the situation could have ended very differently had Chris not responded with such immediacy to the little girl’s screams. Mom Rachel couldn’t be more thankful to the man who saved her daughter’s life. She said:
“Chris is a superman. I just hope every good thing comes his way. I don’t know what we would have done without him or how bad it could have gotten if he hadn’t have been there.

Rachel’s main priority is her daughter’s recovery, and thanks to Chris’s intervention, she suffered only bites and scratches to her chest, back and arms. The mental scarring may take longer to heal, but without Chris, the situation could have been a lot worse.
The video below shows the horrifying footage from Chris’ camera of the attack, as well as interviews with Chris and Rachel.
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