Helen Keller once said that “A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.” and one Idaho man had experienced many bends in his road.
However, he seemed to make the turns with grace, perseverance, and not a hint of complaint.

Alyn was an extremely hard-working man, he worked as a temp at one company and impressed them so much they would ask for him by name when they needed someone to work.
Alyn would show up early and stay late, he was fast and proficient while still being friendly with his co-workers and he would leave his workstation cleaner than it was when he arrived.
Eventually, he was hired on as a regular employee and continued to showcase his dedicated work ethic every day.

Behind the scenes, however, Alyn was struggling with his living situation and ended up spending a full year living out of his truck.
Eventually, he was able to connect with some of his family and was able to live with them for a while until he could afford his own place.
Soon enough, Alyn was back on his feet and had rented his own little house to live in while he continued to work, both at the job and at bettering himself.

One thing Alyn couldn’t control though, was the state of his teeth.
During his year of homelessness, Alyn had some dental problems and his teeth ended up getting quite badly infected and he had to get them all pulled out.
He was unable to afford proper dental work and definitely could not afford the new set of dentures he so desperately needed.

Lucky for him though, one wealthy Idaho man had heard about Alyn and decided he would give him a new smile for Christmas.
The man, who wants to remain anonymous, has been the Idaho Secret Santa for a while and every year he allocates $500,000 to helping out his fellow neighbors.
For Alyn, that meant having all of his dental work paid for so that he could have a proper check up and receive dentures fitted especially for him.

He was also gifted with $3,000 dollars in Walmart and Sam’s Club gift cards so that he could start Christmas and then New Year off on the right foot.
While surrounded by his co-workers, Alyn received the gifts and was so overwhelmed he was too stunned to speak.
He just said thank you as he wiped a tear out of his eye and tried to come to terms with the amazing gift he had just been given.

Christmas is a time to give without though of recognition, and to be thankful for the gifts you have received and these two men are the perfect example.
Idaho’s anonymous Secret Santa has recognized that he is very fortunate to have what he does and wants to uplift his community by helping the hardworking people who live there.
While Alyn is one of those hardworking people and deserves to be recognized for his commitment and dedication to his job, and never letting his circumstances make him bitter.

The gift could not have gone to a more deserving person.

Check out the emotional Secret Santa gift in the clip below.
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