This little girl from Missouri may be the future of wrestling.
Kynlee McFetridge, 3, put a little boy named Jack in a wrestling headlock at preschool.
And if you’re thinking she got that from her father, you are absoultely right. But first, mom.

“What happened at school?” Kynlee’s mom asked.
“I took a headlock down on Jack and took him down,” Kynlee said without hesitation.
“Why, what did he say?” mom asked her adorable little girl.
“Because kids don’t get married. That’s why I put headlock down on him,” Kynlee explained.
“Did he say he wanted to marry you?” mom pressed.
“Yeah,” Kynlee said. “But kids don’t get married. That’s why I put a headlock on him.”

The question now is did the boy tap to submit.
Scott McFetridge, Kynlee’s dad, says he learned about his 3-year-old daughter’s wrestling move when he went to pick her up from school.
He saw that she was on pink (not good) on the school’s color-coded behavior chart.

The kids’ teacher was laughing as she narrated Kynlee’s headlock.
Naturally, McFetridge tried his hardest not to laugh too. Good luck with that.
“I was trying to be a good dad and reprimand her, but it was pretty hilarious,” he said. “It was hard for me to stop laughing and put her in timeout but we made it happen.”
Somebody get Kynlee a gold belt.

McFetridge and Kynlee began wrestling when she was younger as a way to help her gain strength and coordination.
Kynlee had to have open heart surgery at just 5-months-old thanks to a heart condition known as the Trilogy of Fallot. She was born with it.
Told you it was dad.

Kynlee was physically behind kids her age as a result of her condition.
So McFetridge thought he’d make up for it by developing her strength and confidence. Looks like it’s working.
“That was my whole theory behind wrestling and roughhousing with her because she was behind the other kids,” he dad said. “I was trying to make her stronger so she could catch up. In doing so, she got a little rough, I guess.”
Boys like strong, tough girls, Kynlee. Just saying.

Poor Jack. Can’t imagine what he must have felt like.
He only proposed to little Kynlee since he so obviously adores her.
It’s just super cute when it’s kids involved. If these were adults, they’d be in a police station.
It must have been one impressive headlock.

Kynlee seemed pretty proud of her move but mom (and probably dad) have since told her that it wasn’t exactly the right thing to do.
Kynlee knows that now. She and Jack are still friends by the way.

In about 2 decades, don’t be surprised if thugs are found laying down in the streets thanks to a woman who knows a thing or two about wrestling.
Kynlee is doing well. She’s happy, healthy, and ready for another round. Oh and she needs her own entrance music.
Watch and listen to this adorable little girl below!
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