Cancer continues to show up in people’s lives uninvited, and its cell-hijacking business continues to cause problems for a good deal of the population.
One Carmichaels 4th grader, Braedyn Wasko, now has the disease to worry about too in addition to his schoolwork.

The number of men and women expected to have a cancer diagnosis at some point in their life is estimated at 39.5%.
With a number like that, it’s unfortunate but unsurprising that even elementary school kids are affected.

But the folks at Carmichael Highschool aren’t letting him do this alone. When you go to the same school as someone, they might as well be your family with how much time you spend there. The football team at Carmichaels high drives this point home extraordinary well.
When coach Ryan Krull informed the high school footballers of Braedyn’s battle with cancer, hesitation went totally out the window. Their coach casually asked if they wanted to shave their heads in support of Braedyn, and not a single member of the team backed down from the chance.

With that in order, the local salon workers dropped by to give all of them that shaving that they wanted.

It’s not like all that hair won’t grow back anyway, so why not lose it all for now? It means the world to someone. “Worth it” doesn’t even come close to describing it.
This pep rally is going to be a bit different from the normal ones.
Braedyn’s cancer was bone cancer. Indeed, the last thing any 4th grader needs. His chemotherapy had started, and he’d of course lost his hair from it.
“Really?! Like, they’re gonna do it all for me!” – Braedyn says in disbelief.

Cancer is one hell of a burden to bear, especially for someone who isn’t in 5th grade yet. So who better to help him carry this burden than the physically-endowed football team?
I’d think that seeing a smile on this 4th grader’s face feels a whole lot better than scoring a touchdown.
Braedyn’s mother was incredibly moved by the gesture. As she notes, your hair might just be the most important thing when you’re in high school. It defines your whole look, might get you laughed at, get you popular, or get you expelled. So losing all of it, all for a kind gesture like this, is as sweet a thing as any high school boy could do.

With her son battling cancer, this overwhelming show of support and solidarity from his schoolmates might just touch that sore spot. It’s not just the football team that ditched their hair, though.
Even the school principal volunteered for a good old shaving, and even had Braedyn do the honors for him.

Now with their hair gone, and several months of waiting for it to grow back, it goes without saying that the members of this football team might need smaller helmets. Unless they appreciate the extra ventilation under there.
Oh, and shaving their heads wasn’t the only thing they did. They also raised 7,000 dollars for Braedyn’s family. That’s going to help a lot, needless to say.
Maybe some padding will help?

Braedyn’s years in Carmichael High won’t be easy, but at least he’ll never have to worry about being alone.
Watch the Carmichael High school football team’s sweet, sweet gesture down below. And if you fancy putting a smile on someone’s face today, go and click on the share button too so they can see!
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