Have you ever experienced your heart racing with beads of sweat falling down your forehead to your neck and just struggling to breathe?
Imagine all of this happening while you’re on a plane in the middle of your flight.
Maybe some of you don’t need to imagine this because you’ve experienced it.
While flying can be fun for some people, it is also terrifying for others.
Some are terrified of flying because of their anxieties and past traumas.
Some are afraid because somebody scared them.

On a domestic Delta flight last January 2023, one of the passengers, Molly Lee, captured this touching moment on camera.
One of the passengers sitting a few seats ahead of hers was getting nervous during the flight.
They later found out that the passenger had not flown on a plane in a long time and she was becoming very anxious.
The passenger had probably made arrangements for herself in case this happened, including knowing what she can do if it does happen.

She did not expect to receive this kind of treatment.
Molly had already noticed one of the flight attendants, Floyd Dean-Shannon, while she was still boarding the plane.
He was quick to assist the passengers and he even sang the ‘Happy Birthday’ song on the intercom to one of the passengers.

Floyd was the FA who helped the anxious passenger get through the flight.
“He was sort of explaining everything and about mid-flight, she had tears and obviously having a real tough time,” Molly Lee recalled. “He saw that and quickly and calmly went over and sat next to her and had such warmth and calmness.”

Flight attendants are busy taking care of all the passengers throughout the entire flight.
They have specific tasks they need to do as well as deal with different personalities and their requests on board.
Well, this was one of the times when a passenger needed to be assisted urgently.

Floyd was right there immediately.
The woman was sitting on an aisle seat so he sat down on the floor beside her and held her hand.
For the next ten minutes, Floyd took the time to explain what was happening to calm the passenger’s nerves.
Floyd took the time to make sure she was okay and didn’t leave her until she was.
“I was just so struck by his generosity,” Molly shared. “…he doesn’t have an extra second… but he wasn’t worried about that. He was worried about making sure she was okay. It was beautiful to me. I had tears in my eyes watching. It was so kind.”

Floyd did all of that with a smile on his face.
Flying as a passenger requires a lot of trust and loss of control.
We trust that the pilots and flight attendants will keep us safe until we arrive at our destination in one piece.
It’s very reassuring that there are flight attendants on the same flight who will drop everything to make sure that passengers are physically and mentally stable.

Molly posted the photo on her Facebook account, where it went viral.
We’re glad she shared this touching moment. With all the negative and toxic news happening around the world, stories with a touch of humanity are very much needed.

Learn more about this touching moment up in the air when you watch the video below.
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