Being a woman in the military often means fighting an uphill battle all the time, and one military woman seemed afraid things were going to turn sour when she was dressed in her uniform and heading to her economy class middle seat and a man confronted her in the aisle.
Instead of harassment, however, he decided to coyly give her his seat instead. The first thing he said to her was, ” Sorry ma’am, I’m in your seat,” and while she explained that she was in 31B in the back of the airplane, he proceeded to tell her that she was “incorrect” by leaving and walking to her seat. He was giving her his seat in a slick way! The military woman seemed beyond touched.
A woman watching this interaction named Jessica Titus later sent over a note to the man with the help of a flight attendant with some money for a snack or drink, explaining that “if everyone treated people the way you treated that woman, the world would be a better place.” Although he apparently did not buy anything on the airplane, these people prove that there were some truly great, loving US citizens who prove why everyday Americans are truly fantastic.
She later posted this on the Love What Matters Facebook page, which has since been shared nearly 3k times! While the mystery man and military woman’s names are nameless, the interaction has caught serious fire on social media.
It’s a strong reminder that the world can be a truly beautiful place, and that great things are happening between people once we step out of the news and internet. While there is so much animosity in the world, they are living proof of the kindness that can live in our hearts.
Here is the original post in full, for reference:
“On my flight Tuesday, I walked down the jetway behind a woman in uniform (Army). A man stood up from his 1st class seat and said, ‘Sorry ma’am, I’m in your seat.’
‘What does your ticket say?’ He asked.
She replied, ‘What? No – I’m 31 B.’
He walked away, leaving her with his first class seat and then took her middle seat in coach.
Spoiler alert, he refused my offer. Do good. Recognize good. Make the world better.”
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