Many times our siblings, who we often fight with during childhood, turn into our lifelong friends.

That’s definitely the case for these three women, all in their nineties.
With the oldest of the trio at 97 in hospice care, her sisters came for a visit and a little pampering.
While laying in her hospital bed the eldest sister looked happy and content as her siblings fussed over her, trying to get her hair perfect.
The three women bantered light-heartedly back and forth throughout, and the love they feel for one another is evident.

“One sister taking care of another.” one of the women says as she lifts her sisters head in order to brush the back of her hair.
And, of course, at the same time the other sister decided to work on the woman’s bangs. “Let’s get her bangs the way she likes to wear them,” she said as she rolled her sister’s bangs into her round brush in order to get them perfect.

The woman’s bangs didn’t fall in the way she liked so, doing something only a close family member can do, she smoothed them out with a damp towel and tried again.
In a manner that could well have been a mother using a spit-dampened hankie to wipe grime off her child’s face, the woman wiped her down and then tried again.
In the end, between the two younger sisters, they got their eldest sisters bangs looking perfect.

The sister getting the makeover is in home-based hospice care and a visit from her family would have definitely lifted her spirits.
Hospice care is also known as end of life care and is meant to help relieve some of the pain and fear that many people in their later years experience.
The woman in this video was able to remain in her home, surrounded by family, loved ones, and the comforts of home in her final days.

Their are many different people involved in providing hospice care including doctors, nurses, and social workers.
With all these unknown people around it can be scary and confusing for the person receiving the care but having regular visits from loved ones can help fend off the uneasiness.
By coming to visit their sister, these two women are doing more than just brushing her hair, they are helping her to feel more loved and comfortable with her situation.

As Marilyn Monroe once said, “Sisters make the best friends in the world.”

That quote certainly rings true for these three women who have been together for 9 decades and are still going strong.
A sister is someone you can bicker with and still know that, no matter what, they will also love you.
A sister is also someone who will brush your hair for you when you can no longer do it yourself.

She is someone who will make sure you always look your best, even when that means wiping your head down with a wet hankie and starting all over again.

Watch the heartwarming clip in the video below.
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