A lot of people have one day that may have seemed mundane but in retrospect ended up being very special.
For Connie Mauro, handing out library cards was a daily task for her at the library she spent nearly 50 years working at. When a 7-year-old walked into the Mount Vernon, New York library nearly five decades ago, there was no way for Mauro to know that that boy would one day grow up to be an award-winning actor.

Thanks to his memorable name, Mauro remembered that little boy decades later when he began to reach stardom. That 7-year-old with an eagerness to read was Denzel Washington.
Naturally, the story of giving Denzel Washington his first library card became Mauro’s favorite to tell in her Marietta, Georgia nursing home. So when her 99th birthday rolled around, her friends and the staff knew that they had to do something special for their beloved resident.

With the help of social media, they were able to arrange a special birthday call between Mauro and Washington. As it turns out, Washington also never forgot the impact that that special day at the library had on his life. He lovingly referred to Mauro as Miss. Connie and promised to see her in Georgia the next time he was there.
We are so happy to report that Washington upheld his promise and visited Mauro just this month.

After so many decades, the two had a lot to catch up on. Sitting like old friends, they talked for over an hour reminiscing about Mount Vernon and their special days at the library.
“You don’t know how much you helped me. You helped me so much,” Washington told Mauro.
Mauro spends her time at the nursing home knitting scarves for people in need and when she heard that her favorite little boy from the library was coming to see her, she knitted not one, but three for Washington. As you can adorably see in the photo below, Washington wore the blue scarf during the whole visit. It’s so nice to see such well-known celebrities be so down to earth.

Washington could not let people know enough just how big of an impact Mauro had on his life. He felt as though visiting her was just him paying it forward for the years of kindness and guidance that she gave to him during his time at the library.
“You never know what’s really impactful. You never know where the world is gonna take you,” Washington told another resident at the home. “This lady had a profound impact on my life and here I am.”
As he was leaving, Washington assured Mauro that he would be back.
Mauro is the absolute sweetest as she reminisces about all of the wonderful memories she has of Washington coming into the library with his mother. You have to watch the video below to hear just how sweet Washington’s original birthday call to Mauro really is.
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[Source:Brooke Munson, CBS News, Mashable]