BudaFest es un popular evento de baile de swing de la costa oeste. Se celebra anualmente en Budapest, cada principios de enero. En esto participan varios bailarines increíbles que son bastante increíbles en lo que hacen. Ya sea que el baile se ensaye con anticipación o de forma improvisada, para estos participantes no hay problema.
Durante el BudaFest 2020, el anfitrión, TJ Bednash, presentó un juego en la ronda Invitational Jack & Jill. El mecánico debía elegir un tema y el dúo de baile obtendría tres canciones. Después de cada canción, podían decidir si “se pegarían o girarían”, lo que significa “bailar con la canción o cambiarla”. Todo estaría bien si estuvieran familiarizados con la música. Solo pudieron cambiar la música por dos oportunidades. Si aún no está satisfecho, debe tomar la tercera canción.
Qué más, en esta ronda habría que elegir a su pareja de baile. Desafortunadamente, no fue identificando con quién se quería bailar. El chico / la mujer tendría que dibujarlo primero, y el nombre de la pareja de baile se revelaría en una hoja de papel.
Cuando fue el turno de Jordan Frisbee, tuvo que elegir su par, y eligió a la increíble Emeline Rochefeuille. ¿Quién pensó que los dos tendrían una química fantástica en la pista de baile?
[imgsrc caption = "YouTube - West Coast Swing" link = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIawVClaMgI"]
Jordan Frisbee es un famoso bailarín de West Coast Swing y ha ganado varios concursos. Es realmente impresionante por ganar 11 veces el Campeón del Mundo de Swing de la Costa Oeste. ¿Qué tan increíble es eso?
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Emeline Rochefeuille es bailarina profesional y tiene su sede en Berlín. Además, es apasionada y asombrosa por lo que hace. Ella trabaja como instructora de baile.
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Now, the pair had to pick their song. They refused to go for the first one. But after hearing the second one, the crowd wanted them to stick to it, and they agreed.
Their incredible impromptu performance
The duo would have to dance to “Macarena,” a really iconic song from the ’90s by Los Del Rio. Despite the dance being an unrehearsed one, the two gave an absolutely stunning interpretation on the dance floor. They brought the house down with their unique moves and superb dancing skills.
[imgsrc caption="YouTube - West Coast Swing" link="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIawVClaMgI"]

Their energy was contagious, and they were heating up the dance floor.
The audience went wild to the pair’s excellent dance number with a mix of hilarity. Of course, the two didn’t ignore the iconic steps of Macarena.
Since most people were familiar with it, the crowd expected them to incorporate such popular moves into their routine. Well, the audience was pleased to see them perform it.

Even if Jordan and Emeline were dancing the swing, they were still able to combine the iconic steps, which wowed the crowd.
Emeline flawlessly and professionally injected the arm movements and shook her body to the chorus of the “Macarena.” Each time she did it, the crowd was left amazed by her spontaneity and slick dancing.
Of course, Jordan did a wonderful job. He amazingly guided Emeline so their performance would look smooth. There was a part where he made Emeline take multiple spins, which was quite stunning to see.

The pair ended their performance with a gracefully executed move. You could definitely see how their mind thought alike and their body moved in the same direction. They made their routine look like it was not impromptu at all.

They added flair and individual interpretations beautifully—a reason why the crowd wildly cheered for them towards the end.
Indeed, Jordan and Emeline’s collaboration was one of a kind. The viewers couldn’t agree more, and they commented,
“This girl and her interpretation is off the charts, so fluid, mesmerizing, and beautiful to watch and of course he was great too, just a super pairing. Enjoyed it a lot. Thanks.”
“He did an amazing job of bringing to light the magnificence of her moves.”

Mire la increíble actuación improvisada de Jordan y Emeline con el éxito del verano de 1996 “Macarena” en el siguiente video, ¡con más de 11.5 millones de visitas! ¡Prepárate para bailar a la Macarena con ellos!
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