When you have kids who you love more than anything in the world, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for them. Things you probably didn’t ever consider start to seem like a great idea when it involves your child’s wellbeing. And that’s a good thing since kids can have all kinds of problems growing up.
Typically, parents don’t help their kids as much as they get older. But when they’re still young, parents have a small window of time when they play a significant role in their children’s lives.
Kids need so much guidance during that period. So, it pays off to have a parent who’ll go out of their way to care for their little one. And some parents knock it out of the park.
One of those parents is Ben Sowards
Three years ago, this Utah dad found out his daughter had a problem at school. At only six years, Valier had an accident, yes, the potty kind of accident at school. As expected, she was extremely embarrassed about the situation.

Dad had a good idea
Ben didn’t want his daughter to feel bad about the incident. After all, accidents happen all the time. This dad wanted to teach his daughter a powerful — yet funny — lesson.

He “wet” his pants
For Ben, it was important that Valerie didn’t feel overly embarrassed. So, he figured he’d pick her up from school with the same problem. He put some water on his pants, making it look as though he also had an accident.

Then, he surprised her
When he walked into the school to pick up Valerie, she was surprised. He said, “I walked into the school…I walked up next to Valerie, who was sitting, looking down at the floor, and I put my arm around her and I said, ‘Valerie, can I have your backpack? I need to cover up this accident.’ And she just looked at me with the perfect look — just disbelief — and we started laughing.”

It ended up on the internet
These days, nothing is spared from the internet. One of Ben’s older daughters, named Lucinda, tweeted a picture of her dad. He was wearing the pants with the stain on them and looking at the camera. She included a caption:
“My little sis had an accident today at kindergarten & this is how my dad left to pick her up so she wouldn’t feel so sad/embarrassed.”

The post went viral
Being such a sweet story, it was shared all over social media. Soon, it reached Twitter. If you have an account on this site, you might even remember reading about it a few years ago.

But the story was bigger than that
Although the family was happy this sweet moment went viral, they had other things to think about at the time. Their family was growing and going through some big and exciting changes. That meant they were more focused on other things at that time.

They’d been fostering
Before their big life change, the family had been fostering four children from the same family. This was something they’d wanted to do for years. They were thrilled they finally got the opportunity to fulfill their dream. But fostering wasn’t enough…they wanted to make the living situation for these kids permanent.

They adopted the children
After 560 days of being foster kids, the four children were adopted into the Sowards’ family. Everyone was beyond excited about it. So, they shared photos online. It’s so heartwarming to see this entire family come together.

A reminder to stick by your loved ones
This story serves as a reminder that we need to take care of our families no matter what happens. Ben said, “What went viral — maybe not in the specifics of what I did, but in the motivation behind what I did — is really common among parents who love their kids and are willing to do anything for their children. I hope this brings attention to the importance of families and the critical role that parents play in strong families today.”

What a sweet dad and a beautiful family.
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