There are superheroes then there are dads. To children, dad may as well be wearing a cape, fighting of the bad guys with his beer gut hidden by his padded suit. There is nothing a father won’t do for his kids. Even his life comes second.
Check out Superdad at Yosemite National Park here. He was out with his wife and daughter on a very lovely day so of course, they wanted to take pictures. Dad poses with his toddler on a bridge.

He squats and waits.
But the distracted toddler starts walking backwards like most kids her age do, and while doing so, the back of her shoes hit the really low railing on the side. She gives a little stumble, then almost falls off on her back. But not when dad is around!

Dad’s reflexes are blindingly quick!
He grabs her right arm saving her from a near fall. Mom, who has been recording a video, lets out a nervous but relieved laugh. Apparently, she had the camera set to “video” hence how she was able to capture the moment.
It was definitely a heart jumping moment but had it not been for dad’s super amazing catch, things would have turned out differently. Beanie and shorts over a cape with boots any day for this father!

She’s one lucky child!
Mom and dad share a quick chat with a few nervous laughs thrown in. But the little girl toddles over to mom with her own giggling. Whether she realized what just happened or not is anyone’s guess. She seems happy about it.
A father named Thomas had this to say in the comments section,
“As a father of 3 daughters under fours of age, I assure you, that child was never in danger. “Dad (or mom) reflexes” are a superpower only parents will understand. Glad you caught it on tape!”
He is so right. Parents have powers all their own that no one will understand. Up until they become moms and dads.

Though you get the feeling that they were more careful where they chose to pose for photos after this close call. It’s easy to get caught up in the sights and sounds of beautiful places like Yosemite National Park. Parental instincts came in to play here.

The little girl looked like she wanted to sit on the beams that were acting as guardrails but her toddler antics got the best of her. It’s a natural occurrence for curious children. They stumble and fall all the time but this fall wouldn’t be the dust it off and get back up type. Great job, dad!

She must have been tired!
Yosemite is a huge place for an adult. Imagine what it looks like to a child. 1,200 square miles of meadows, trees, waterfalls, and life would have anyone wanting to find a seat for a breather. And while at it, take a picture!

Dad loves her 3,000.
This visit to this majestic place became much more memorable for this family. Dad’s awesome save made their day and was caught on video for her to view later. She’ll realize that in such a big world, dad is always there to catch her should she stumble.

See how dad catches his daughter from a near fall in the video below!
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