Acts of Kindness
Stranded Texas Delivery Woman Is Taken In By Strangers For 5 Days
Chelsea was out making food deliveries when she became stuck in the Texas winter storm. Luckily, she met a kind couple who not only opened up their home - they "refused" to let her leave.

The stories coming out of Texas while people recover from a winter storm that left many without power and freezing, stranded, and without help are simply heartbreaking.

But there are stories of hope as well. And they show us just how generous people can be.



Chelsea Timmons had no idea she’d be making some new friends when she went on her last delivery run of the day for Favor Delivery. It was Sunday and the weather was beginning to make the roads treacherous. The recipients’ driveway was down a slope.

As she accelerated, she hit a bush in their flower bed and her car got stuck. The couple who lived in the house, Nina Richardson and Doug Condon, wasn’t mad. In fact, they tried to help her get her car out. But it wouldn’t budge because of the ice.

Timmons was west of downtown Austin and had planned to head home to Houston that night, but it was looking unlikely. And as she told her story 5 days later on Facebook, she began with the lines:

“Day 5
Stranded with a stranger
Story time.”


Waiting out the storm

Timmons works on the weekends and had plans to go home and sip some Valentine’s Day wine that day, but she explained how it all went sideways after she slid down towards the house.

“I panicked and slammed my brakes, but my car continued forward down the driveway. I realized I had lost control of the car. I just braced myself for impact as the car slide towards their home. I closed my eyes and every imaginable worse case scenario flashed through my head. Then I opened my eyes to see the car roll into their flowerbed, hit their slumped tree and then stop.”

Fortunately, the car wasn’t going fast enough to harm Timmons, “but that tree was a goner!” she joked.


As she unloaded the groceries, it became clear that she would need a tow truck to leave the home, but AAA told her they were at least an hour or two away.

“They agreed to let me wait inside. Hours passed, no tow truck. Repeatedly made calls to AAA with no answers given. Finally around 6pm AAA said my location was ‘inaccessible due to current conditions.'”

Luckily, the couple kindly allowed her to stay the night after all ways out became unavailable.

Staying with strangers

That would be a scary situation for anyone, but Timmons didn’t have a choice other than to trust the couple.

“These people let a complete STRANGER stay the night! Not only that but cooked me a STEAK DINNER! definitely not how I imagined my Valentine’s Day!”


Not only did she spend the night, but the couple insisted she stay 5 WHOLE DAYS due to the disasters surrounding them.

“Power was going out across the city, stores were closed or empty, hotels overrun by people seeking warmth. Every morning, when I suggested leaving to a hotel.. ‘could you make it there safely?’ ‘What would you eat?’ ‘What if they lose power’ ‘isn’t the guest room better than the Hampton Inn?’ They basically have refused to let me leave.”

The couple gave her a guest room to stay in, which she got to share with two furry friends.

“Their home still has water and power so we are clean and warm. They have groceries (I know, I delivered them) so we are fed. How AMAZINGLY BLESSED am I right in this moment?!”


Timmons counted her blessings,

“Blessed that out of all the places for my car to get stuck, that it was in their flowerbed and not a ditch.
Blessed they were willing to let the “Delivery Driver” into their home in the midst of a pandemic.
Blessed that during the time of a food shortage, they were willing to share their meals.
Blessed that they liked my coconut cake! (I baked them a cake to show my gratitude)
Completely BLESSED all the way around!!”


She even baked the couple a cake as part of her thanks.

And it looks amazing!

Calling the couple her “guardian angels,” Timmons’ expression of gratitude quickly went viral on Facebook, especially once she was home safe with her family.

She knows not everyone was so lucky.


Soon, she was in the local news, then The Daily Show, and then The Ellen Show!

Everyone loves a story of generosity and a happy ending.

Be sure to scroll down below to see the first of the news stories and the original Facebook post.

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