Every love story is unique. One thing is for sure, all of them are beautiful. That is why it’s inspiring to hear stories of real love especially during these days where all we hear are bad news. It gives us hope and delight.
A Georgia couple, Billy and Nellie Jones have been together for almost 80 years.

They’ve shared love and memories during all those years and just recently, they celebrated their 100th birthdays together. Do you know what’s more amazing? It’s the date of their birthdays. Billy is on August 7 while Nellie’s birthday is on August 11. They were born just four days apart so they always have joint celebrations.
They have a heartwarming story.

It was the start of an unbreakable relationship. For them, it is impossible to forget how they met in high school, even after long years. Gladly, they shared it with WTOC.
“She was practicing for a play at Savannah High School on Washington Avenue. A friend of mine waved at her and spoke to her. I said, ‘who is that?’ He said, ‘that’s Nellie. She’s in my class, would you like to meet her?’ He turned the car around, took me back, and introduced me to Nellie.”
This couple had a different yet extra special birthday celebration this year.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, they were not able to celebrate it as usual where their loved ones and friends gather with them. Nevertheless, it still turned out pretty amazing and heartfelt. The venue of their party was not in one big room, instead, they chose to do it by the street. They did this so they could practice social distancing which is highly important.
Many people were involved in the celebration.

Instead of having a quiet party because of the pandemic, what they had was more lively. The couple watched the parades of cars, bicycles, and golf carts with people inside cheering for them. All of them were wishing them a happy birthday and it is touching to watch.
Some of them even created huge birthday banners! You can tell that they also prepared for it!

You’ll see people with all smiles on their faces.

All of them made sure to greet the couple without compromising their safety as they were wearing their face masks.

The celebrants were happily waving at everyone who passes why. You can see how happy they are with the surprise they received.

The wife even expressed how she feels about it.
“For somebody to do all of this work for me, I’m just speechless,” she said in an interview with WTOC.
They both deserve all the love that they’ve been receiving.
Their daughter-in-law, Anne Jones revealed why.
“100 years of just love and honor and character that they’ve taught us,” she said.
“They love people and have always been very generous,” she added.
This couple is really blessed to have each other and a family who also love them so much. It is also uplifting to hear their love story.
Their secret?
They follow the Lord and have faith in Him.
“Go to church, love the Lord. He’s the one taking care of us,” Billy said.
While Nellie added, “Try to do what He would like for you to do.”
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