When most humans see another in distress they instinctually rush in to help as best as they can, even if it means they have to step away from their job.
So when Milwaukee County Transit System bus driver Michelle Mixon saw a terrified little girl whose mother was on the ground, she jumped in to help.
Mixon was driving her bus near 76th and Mill on a cold December day when she stopped for a red light before seeing a woman drop to the ground, according to the Milwaukee County Transit System’s website.

Mixon saw a woman who was standing on the sidewalk with her 6-year-old daughter collapse right in front of her bus.
That’s when the terrified little girl ran onto the bus begging for help.
“My mommy. Mommy,” the little girl screamed while boarding the bus. “She’s having a seizure. I’m scared.”
Mixon immediately started to comfort the girl.

“Ok, I know, I know sweetie,” Mixon told the little girl. “They’re going to take care of her.
She scooped the little girl up onto her lap and called for help while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
In the meantime, strangers were helping the little girl’s mother. A man even took off his coat to place over the woman so she would be warm.

Mixon rocked the little girl back and forth as the child held her tight. Mixon, who is a grandmother, stayed with the child until the paramedics arrived.
When they were ready to leave, she carried the girl over to the ambulance once her mom was stabilized.
“Michelle has been driving for MCTS for 21 years, she says this is easily the most memorable and emotional thing she has been through,” the Milwaukee County Transit System’s website said. “She says she is happy she could help.”

Thanks to Mixon, this little girl was a little less afraid and didn’t have to feel like she was alone during a really difficult time.
I can’t imagine how thankful this girl’s mother was that Mixon was there.
Milwaukee County Transit System posted a video of the bus’s video footage which captured the ordeal. The video was posted on YouTube where it ended up being viewed more than 13,000 times.

Many were praising Mixon online for her act of kindness.
“Nice job Michelle. Oh my God, how heartbreaking for this poor little girl,” one YouTuber said. “Our son starting having these episodes at 12 and to this day we hope and pray they’ve stopped (he’s 30 now). Good looking out.”
“GOD bless you from the bottom of my heart for helping that precious little girl! Kindness and love go along way in this world now,” said another.
Check out the footage below.
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