Jahmal Cole has shoveled many driveways in his life.
When Chicago got hit with a snowstorm, he started getting emails and calls from dozens of his elderly neighbors in the Chatham neighborhood asking if he could help them out. Many of them needed their driveways shoveled so they could get out to get their medication, go to doctor’s appointments, or help out other family members.

Cole wanted to help, but he was overwhelmed with requests, and there were more driveways than he could handle on his own.
He decided to turn to social media for help. He posted a simple request and explained his situation. He just needed 10 people to help him.
The post said:
“Chicago, I need (10) volunteers to help me shovel for seniors tomorrow. I’m getting too many emails from elderly folks that need help. Meet me at the 79th St. Red Line stop at 10:00 am tomorrow. I got hoodies, hats, and lunch for anybody that comes through. #formyblock”

He got a lot more than he bargained for.
When he went to meet with the volunteers at the train station, he didn’t really expect there to be too many people there. Still, any help was better than none. To his surprise, there were more than 120 people standing there waiting for him. They were happy to help him help his elderly neighbors.
Cole was extremely impressed with the turnout. He said:
“The people who showed up, they showed that whether people have privilege or don’t have privilege, everyone recognizes a need.”
His tweet was shared 22,000 times and was liked 64,000 times. It was shared all over the country, and most of the volunteers were from outside his neighborhood. One man even took a bus from Indiana just to help. Everyone was happy to help, but not everyone had their own shovel.

Cole ran to the store and purchased 25 shovels for them to use.
Cole runs a nonprofit organization called My Block My Hood My City. He had raised some money on his website selling shirts and used that money to buy the shovels. While his organization is focused on helping kids on the South Side be exposed to life beyond their neighborhoods, he was happy to jump in and help his elderly neighbors, as well.
He explained the situation saying:
“When you’re getting emails and calls, you don’t want to let people down. I wasn’t trying to make a campaign. This was literally me trying to help out my neighbors. We had to organize on the spot.”
He added:
“I’m a really, really small nonprofit. We have two full-time staff, two part-time staff. I don’t have anywhere to put a snowblower. I put all these shovels in my own garage. I don’t even have an office space.”

After all the driveways were clear, Cole and the volunteers all went to lunch together at a local restaurant.
He also made it a point to thank everyone who had helped. He sent out another tweet that said:
“Thanks to all the volunteers that came out to support this morning. A seventy year old lady from #streeterville showed up with a shovel on 79th. M3 volunteers represent the most durable source of mass enthusiasm I’ve ever seen. So much love #formyblock.”

Cole is amazed at the people who came to help.
He knows that they gave up their own free time to do so, and he and the people they helped appreciate it. He said:
“I’m proud of our city. We’re getting things done. People could have been doing anything in the world. They could have been home with families or making snowmen, but they came out to help.”
Cole said that he has always helped the elderly with their driveways, and every year, he puts out a request for help. He explained that he usually only gets about 20 volunteers and he isn’t sure why so many people decided to help this time, but he’s glad they did. He hopes volunteers continue to help those around them who are in need.
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Chicago, I need (10) volunteers to help me shovel for seniors tomorrow. I’m getting too many emails from elderly folks that need help. Meet me at the 79th St. Red Line stop at 10:00 am tomorrow. I got hoodies, hats and lunch for anybody that comes through. #formyblock pic.twitter.com/8Gb86cK3IH
— Jahmal Cole (@formyblockchi) February 10, 2018