In a world where people doing “the wrong thing” is most of the time what we see in the news, it is important to bring forward and encourage people who are trying to do “the right thing” and be an example for their peers.

Just like young Fareon King, who, instead of following the example that many young people around him give, is trying to live an honest life and inspire others to do so as well.
King is an 18-year-old young man, who works shifts and takes the bus every day to get to work. One summer day, he hopped on the Purple Line bus and realized that he only had $0.65.

The young man told the bus driver, and the woman just couldn’t refuse to give him the ride, as she realized how important work was to him and to the life he was trying to build.
“Doing the right thing in a society full of youth who think it’s cool to do the wrong thing. Keep up the good work young man, we recognize you,” bus driver Shamika Anderson wrote in a Facebook post at the time.

And Anderson didn’t stop there. She called King’s supervisor to ask what time his shift was over so she could go there and surprise him with a two-week bus pass.
As she wrote in her post, she could tell that the young man was trying to be different from those of his peers who choose the illegal way in order to make a living.

“Unfortunately, a lot of the youth are stealing cars, robbing, killing, and it humbled me that he tried to be different, he tried to be a leader and make an honest living,” Anderson told Fox6.
So, that’s why she decided to surprise him with the pass, even though, as she explained, she had no idea whether the man didn’t have any money for the ticket or if it was “just one of those days”.
Additionally to that, Anderson also offered him a gift card to get snacks for work. She really tried to do everything she could in order to show the young man that she was proud of him and that what he was trying to do really mattered and had an impact on the local community.
“I did not do it because I believed he did not have, I did it to encourage him to keep doing the right thing even when it’s tough!”

As she explained, although it is the problematic youth that we need to focus on, those who try to do the right thing should also be encouraged and supported in order to keep pushing.
King told the news outlet that he was amazed by the way the bus driver reacted and that he was grateful for what followed.

What a heartwarming story. Let’s just hope that Anderson’s and King’s examples will be followed by others, and then one day the world will be a better place.

Watch the inspirational pair explain their story in the video below!
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