While children are some of the most beautiful creatures on Earth, not all of them receive the love and care they deserve.
Thankfully, there are those who recognize this and have the strength and heart to take on these children as if they were their own.
Still, the number of children in need of a good home is exceedingly high.
There was an 11 percent increase in the number of children in the U.S. foster care system on the last day of the fiscal year when comparing 2012 and 2017.
Some of those children are eligible for adoption, while others are being cared for in foster homes after their biological parents’ rights were terminated.
That number went down by about 1 percent in 2018 with another decrease of about 2.5 percent in 2019 for a total of 424,000 children. According to the Cain Institute, about 69,000 youths in the U.S. foster care system live in institutions, group homes, and other environments instead of with family.
Data from 2018 found that 56 percent of children in foster care are reunited with their families or live with a relative, while 25 percent are adopted.
There were about 122,000 children waiting to be adopted in 2019, which is between 26 and 29 percent of those in care.
Children wait an average of four years before finding an adoptive family. Of those children, about 71,300 were eligible for adoption after their parents permanently lost their rights.
Again, we thankfully have saviors who adopt these children. There was a historic high of adoptions of 66,000 children in 2019.
And sometimes those powerful acts of love are caught on video.
The boy in the video below has no idea he is going to be adopted when he walks into the room where his future parents are waiting. He looks almost confused as they hand him a manilla envelope.

He is instructed to open the folder and pulls out a piece of paper.
It’s a full-size photo of the boy, his future parents, and their dog.
“Thank you!” the boy exclaims, happy to have the sentimental token.

“Wanna turn it around?” mom asks.
He does so and starts to read the message on the back of the photo that breaks the big news of his official adoption.
The boy then gasps and places the picture on the table.

“Yes!” he cheers pumping his arms before leaping up and running over to his adoptive mother.
She is weeping with joy as she hugs him tight.
The boy gives off another joyful “Yes!” and arm pump before running around the table to hug his new dad.

“Thank you,” he tells him.
“We wanted to tell you this for a really long time that we wanted you to come live with us,” dad explains.

The grin on this little boy’s face is just huge!
The boy then covers his face to fully absorb how his life is truly about to change for the better.
You can watch this incredibly emotional announcement in the video below.
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