At a time when bullying is a serious problem, and in a country where only over the last couple of weeks dozens of people, including children, have lost their lives because of uncontrolled firearm ownership, it is heartbreaking to learn about stories like the one below.

A few weeks back, a Texas family was shocked when they realized a neighbor’s son arrived at their home and started beating their front door using a whip.
Carissa Nash, the mother of the family, who happened to be at home at the time, was terrified by the sound of the whip beating her door.

When she checked the doorbell camera, what she saw left her speechless.
“I can see he actually has a whip,” Carissa told CBS 11 News. “I swing the door open and said ‘you have to leave.'”
As one can hear in the video, Carissa tells the 9-year-old boy:

“Little boy, you better get your ass up and off my porch before I call the police… beating on my door like this! I will call the police. You need to leave. Don’t you ever beat on my [expletive] door like that. Go!”
After that, the boy turned around and left, but the story doesn’t end there.

Carissa and Dezerrea Nash talked about the incident to the local news outlet, and they explained what had happened before that, which was probably the reason why the boy was mad.
“This one particular kid was hitting the girls with a skateboard and she [his daughter] retaliated and hit him back,” Dezerrea Nash said. “One of the other kids pushed him in some water, like from behind, and he fell into a puddle of water. When he got up the first person he saw was our daughter, so he assumed that she did it.”

After the incident with the whip, Nash went to the boy’s home to talk about it with his parents, but things soon got worse.
“He opens the door [and] I see that he has a weapon behind his back and he’s leaning up against the doorway,” Nash recalled about the boy’s father.
As you can see in the video, the man is actually firing his gun after he asks Nash to go away.

“His daughter was standing behind him in the doorway and she could have easily been hit by a bullet. My wife could have been hit. I could have been hit,” Nash added.
After that, the police arrived at the neighborhood, and the man who fired the gun was arrested and charged with deadly conduct.

However, he was released after posting an unspecified bond amount.
As the Nashes explain, they just want to leave the ordeal behind them and they want to make sure that there will be no further consequences and that nobody will get hurt in the future.
What a sad story. Let’s hope that they’ll all leave it behind them.

Watch the Nashes talk about it in the video below.
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