Because of cell phones, you never know if someone is filming your actions. Even if you think you’re minding your own business in public – it’s very easy for a person to whip out their phone and hit record.
While this isn’t necessarily a good thing for citizens who demonstrate bad behavior, it can be positive when it involves an act of kindness. The following story is a perfect example of this.

“If this qualifies for a hero, anybody could be a hero.”
Airman Jibril Jennings was probably taught in basic training that getting caught in the crosshair of someone else’s surveillance scope is a really bad idea. He also probably learned that being aware of your surroundings at all times is a very good thing.
But, he failed miserably on both counts when he let his guard down and was totally oblivious to the stranger who was filming his every move.

However, since his moves involved him helping an elderly woman get off the street on a hot summer day, getting caught red-handed was totally by the book!
The “Random Acts of Kindness” book, that is. It’s an Operations Manual that every human should have.

An elderly woman who could use a helping hand
There are millions of cars on our roads and highways, but not everyone can afford to own one. Janice Hall certainly doesn’t have any wheels to get around town, except for the wheels on her walker.
When she needs to go shopping for food, she walks the two miles between her home and Walmart, and then back again. She told KFOR:
“I went from the post office to Walmart, then from Walmart to my bank.”

But, the bank isn’t where Airman Jennings, who is stationed at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, actually found her.
Jennings was driving along the road when he spotted an elderly woman with a walker struggling to put one foot in front of the other in the blistering heat.
What really saddened him was that no one else had stopped to ask if she needed any help!

He didn’t hesitate to do the right thing
So, the Airman did what he thought any decent human being should do, and stopped near the intersection of Interstate 240 and Sante Fe roads to offer her a ride home.
“There was a human being in the middle of the road that obviously needed help, and everyone was just driving past.”
He loaded Janice’s groceries into the trunk of his car, and the two took off towards her house. But, not before a few innocent bystanders got footage of him acting like an everyday hero.

A beautiful act of kindness caught on film
Amber Roy was stopped at a red light when she noticed a man in uniform helping an elderly woman load groceries from her walker into the trunk of a car.
At first, she wasn’t sure what was happening, but her son caught on fast. In the video that Amber filmed, he could be heard exclaiming:
“A soldier is helping a lady!”
When Amber realized what was really happening, she couldn’t wait to share the video on social media, where it quickly went viral and has now been seen by millions.

Once they arrived at Janice’s home, she reached out to the airman and gave him a big old hug for his kindness.
“I could tell it meant so much to her someone was helping out.”

Many folks online are calling him a hero, but Airman Jennings has a different way of looking at it.
“I don’t think this is a hero’s moment. I think this is something anybody should be able to do. If this qualifies for a hero, anybody could be a hero.”
Of course, that’s not the end of this heroic journey. Airman Jennings and Janice plan to remain friends, and he’s even banded together some of his airmen buddies to help Janice build a ramp for her walker.

It’s heartwarming stories like this that remind you there are good people that walk this earth. Luckily, sometimes their good deeds are even captured on film.
Press play below to see footage of the kind Airman helping an elderly stranger!
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