Birthdays are always special, but they hold an extra sprinkle of magic when you’re a child.
Imogen Scott, a mother from Britain, wanted to ensure her son Marshall’s fourth birthday was one he would never forget.
Given Marshall’s fascination with the Queen’s Guard, she planned a trip to Windsor Castle so he could see the guardsmen in person.

Little did she know, this trip would not only fulfill her son’s dream but also create a viral sensation.
A heartwarming encounter between Marshall and a royal guardsman was captured on camera.
It’s a memory this family will cherish forever.

As children, we all have our heroes and role models. For Marshall, it was the Queen’s Guard, the esteemed soldiers known for their duty of protecting Her Majesty.
To prepare for his birthday trip, Marshall donned his very own Coldstream Guard costume, complete with a ‘bearskin’ hat and a red jacket.
His adorable attire even attracted the tourists, who asked to take photos with him.

The visit to the castle was already a special treat, but a bigger surprise awaited Marshall during the Changing of the Guard ceremony.
As a line of guardsmen marched towards their “Guard Room,” Marshall, looking every bit the mini-soldier, saluted them.
It seemed that this was as close as Marshall would get to his heroes.

But then, something unexpected happened.
One of the guardsmen turned around, marched back out of the doorway, and headed straight toward Marshall.
He signaled for the little boy to join him for a photo, a heartwarming moment that has since melted hearts worldwide.

Marshall stood tall and proud next to his idol, offering a proper salute for the photo.
This touching scene was captured on film by Joanna Feng and quickly went viral after a guard reshared it online.

The kind-hearted guardsman who made Marshall’s day is Lance Corporal Edden.
In an interview with the Evening Standard, he shared that this was not a typical occurrence.
He said, “Usually I would just take the guardsmen in the guardroom as normal – but my wife and I are expecting a baby boy, and I remembered standing at Edinburgh Castle when I was younger hoping to get a picture with a soldier.”

Edden continued, “I noticed Marshall in a Coldstream guards uniform, and seeing him coming out made me proud of what I do.”
According to Imogen Scott, it was the “BEST BIRTHDAY EVER” for her son.
After the video went viral, the Coldstream Guards even posted a message for Marshall on social media, reserving a spot for him at the Army Foundation College Harrogate for the March 2029 intake.

In a world often filled with negative news, this heartwarming story touched many people’s hearts.
USA TODAY even created a Humankind version of the video using the footage.
One viewer responded, “Totally awesome! My eyes teared up and I am a full grown 50+yro man. This guard made that kid’s day, week, month….”
Watch the video below to see Marshall’s dream come true, all thanks to a kind guardsman!
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