After being apart for 15 months, the Roberts family has been reunited in a big surprise that nobody expected!
Life is hard without your dad around
Sgt. Michael Roberts is an Air Force Sergeant. For almost a year and a half, Sgt. Roberts was based overseas leaving his family behind.
With being away for so long, this obviously left a pretty big strain on the Roberts family.

Imagine not being able to see your father for 15 months. The Roberts sisters had to have their father taken from them for almost a year and a half in perhaps the most formative time of their lives.
Their dad wasn’t able to give them a hug, take them to cheer practice, or take them to school. It was hard for the whole family to have Sgt. Roberts away, but especially the Roberts sisters!

Being away from your family is tough.
While Sgt. Roberts enjoys traveling and being in the Air Force, he often finds himself missing his family back home. While a quick phone call or FaceTime call helps him connect with his family, it’s not the same as seeing them in person.
Sgt. Roberts recalls feeling that he’s left out even though he can still talk to his family when he gets the chance. Being away from them means that he is not able to be there to support his family in person.
While Sgt. Roberts enjoys traveling and the lifestyle that comes with being an Air Force Sergeant, it also can be hard on his mental health.
“After a while, it gets numb. The whole time it’s hard you just want to be with your family,” Roberts shared with KMOV News.
Sgt. Roberts remarks that he is upset that he has to miss out on so much of his growing daughter’s lives such as missing their T-ball games, cheer tournaments, and other achievements.

A School Lunch Surprise
Sgt. Roberts decided to surprise his family after being away for 15 months with the help of KMOV St. Louis’ surprise squad.
His first plan is to surprise his oldest daughter at lunch. While she waits in lunch for her food, he’s going to serve her school lunch!

To most kids, school lunch isn’t that exciting but today that all changed. As soon as Sgt. Roberts stepped into the window to serve his daughter her meal, she freaked out!

The entire cafeteria launched into applause and she got to hug her dad for the first time in 15 months.
She definitely was not expecting to see her dad at school, let alone this soon after his deployment. After a hug and some lunch, it was time to surprise Sgt. Robert’s youngest daughter at her school.

A Real Superhero comes to school!
At his youngest daughter’s school, his youngest daughter was learning about superheroes and all the amazing work that they do.
Her teacher tells the class that she has a real superhero coming into class today to teach them about what it’s like being a hero.

Most kids might expect Superman or Captain America to come walking through the door, but little did they know it was going to be Sgt. Roberts!
As her teacher introduces the lesson on superheroes, Sgt. Roberts walks through the door and immediately his youngest daughter runs to hug him.
It’s safe to say that the entire class got to meet a real hero that day, and Sgt. Roberts got to reunite with his daughter.

His youngest daughter rejoiced in seeing her dad again and wouldn’t let him go. Sgt. Roberts definitely saved his daughter’s life that day.
The family is treated to a new adventure
With your family being separated for 15 months, it’s only imaginable that there is so much to catch up on as well as time to make some new memories! A group of local car dealerships decided to pitch in to treat the Roberts family to an all-expenses paid day at Six Flags.

Now, Sgt. Roberts can spend a day with his family and make new memories that he can take back with him on the road. Thank you, Sgt. Roberts for your service!

Watch the video below to see the heartwarming surprise for yourself!
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