Heros are all around us and an elderly woman is lucky one found her when she needed him most.
On August 7th, Janice Hall was walking near Interstate 240 near Oklahoma City. The elderly woman was headed home on that 100-degree day with her walker full of grocery bags.

Most of the cars went speeding by…all except one.
Jibril Jennings, a U.S. airman stationed at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, saw that the woman was struggling and knew he had to stop and help. He pulled his car over and asked Hall if he could offer her a ride home. She gladly accepted. Jennings began putting Hall’s grocery bags into his trunk.

Although nobody else had stopped to help, Jennings couldn’t just look the other way.
“There was a human being in the middle of the road that obviously needed help, and everyone was just driving past,” -Jennings

What Jennings didn’t realize was that his random act of kindness was being recorded by another passerby.
“The way people were driving, I didn’t think that anyone was recording. I didn’t even realize that anyone was around me until someone stopped…they parked behind us and put on their hazard lights.” – Jennings told CBS News

But there was someone there and she was recording his good deed.
Amber Roy had stopped at a red light and quickly noticed what was going on. Roy was so touched by the efforts of the airman that she decided the video needed to be shared on Facebook. She included the caption: “Omg this should go viral!!!! This airman just pulled over to help this elder lady walking with her groceries in 101 degree weather and took her to her destination !! Omg my heart is melting !!! There is good people left in this world!!’ God bless you airman!!!” – Amber Roy – mypositiveoutlooks.com
Amber’s Facebook video quickly went viral and has over 4.8 million views.

On the way to Hall’s home, the two had a lot to talk about.
“Once I got into the car, she immediately started talking…She reminded me of my grandma, she started telling me about her day.” – Jabril Jennings.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe it…Oh that man, that man he was a really sweet guy…I…you know just couldn’t believe it. Then he came over and helped carry the stuff in.” – Janice Hall told CBS News.
Once Jennings reached the elderly woman’s home, he brought her groceries inside for her. She was so grateful for his help that she wanted to give him a hug.
“I told him he deserved a hug. I just gave him a great big old hug and thanked him. Then he went on his way,” – Janice Hall, mypositiveoutlooks.com
Jennings doesn’t see his actions as heroic.
“I don’t think this is a hero’s moment. I think this is something anybody should be able to do. If this qualifies for a hero, anybody could be a hero.” – Jennings told CBS News.
Even though he doesn’t see his efforts as heroic, most people would disagree. It takes a hero to go out of his or her way to help someone in need. We are all busy getting from point A to point B but it takes a special type of person to notice when others could use a little help. Jennings is that type of person and the world is a much better place with him in it.

He isn’t stopping there…Jennings and his fellow airmen are planning to repair Janice’s ramp outside her home.

Now watch this inspiring video of the airman helping the elderly woman get home.
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