Dogs are so loyal and lovable – and it doesn’t take much to make them happy. They really are the best.
So it’s no surprise that dog parents love spoiling their four-legged fur babies, from the squeaky pigs to peanut butter-filled Kongs. Super comfy doggie beds will be purchased only to sit empty while those darling doggos sleep on the bed instead and chill out on the couch.

Owner Alistair Clyde adores a Chihuahua named Bear and his brother Titus, a Belgian Malinois.
Axel wanted to show Titus how much the dog was loved when his second birthday rolled around.
Then, a crazy idea to celebrate the big day sprang to mind, and Alistair couldn’t wait to watch his reaction.
“Titus is the goofiest boy. He loves to play 24/7. He’s also the smartest dog I’ve ever had,” the dog-lover told The Dodo.
Alistar gave a ton of thought as to what would make Titus the most ecstatic. What would be the perfect birthday gift?
“I was like, ‘What would he want for his birthday? What’s his favorite thing in the world? Tennis balls. No brainer!’”
After lots of research into tennis balls online, Alistair realized that a mere three-pack of lime-yellow fuzzy bouncy balls wouldn’t cut it. It became very clear that the household would have to ring in his birthday in a big way with a much bigger gift.

Alistar was about to bestow upon Titus a birthday present like no other.
“I saw that you could buy 30, 60, 200 or 400 tennis balls. I first picked the 60 one and was like, ‘What? No. That’s not good enough. He deserves ALL the tennis balls!’”

When the balls arrived in two massive cardboard packages as tall as him, it was impossible to keep the surprise hidden from the sweet birthday boy any longer.
Titus checked out the boxes, eagerly anticipating the chance to dive inside. He ripped open the cardboard and retrieved two balls before Alistar could even stop him!

But Titus has to wait for the rest until his actual birthday.
Then, when the big day finally rolled around, Alistair helped open the boxes and dumped all 398 tennis balls out onto the floor.
They went everywhere and Titus went crazy!

Tennis balls rolled under couches, bounced down the stairs and nestled into every corner of the house. Even though Titus had retrieved two from the box that made his day, THIS was unbelievable!
“At first, he was a little taken aback when I dumped them. It took about five seconds for him to start running around like a maniac in excitement.”

Bear, however, was completely unimpressed with his brother’s birthday present. He opted to hang back and observe his frenetic celebration instead.
“[He’s] getting a little older so stays on my lap and watches. He got treats so he knew he was special and loved, too.”
Days later Titus was still retrieving balls from all around the house.
Alistar wants to share the love and plans to donate a significant portion of the tennis balls to a local shelter.
Titus will still have plenty to play with for days to come.
Watch his awesome reaction in the video below. It’s hilarious!
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