There is no better feel good cry than watching a parent in the military surprise their family after a deployment.
Chief Robert Massard surprised two of his children, with the help of their elementary school, and it will bring joyous tears to your eyes.

Doctors Inlet Elementary in Clay County, Florida has a tradition for students with a parent deployed in the military. The school will tie a yellow ribbon around a tree on campus with the name of the service member parent. The ribbon will stay around the tree until the parent comes home.
Chief Robert Massard’s ribbon had been tied around a tree for seven months but it was about time to take that ribbon down and welcome him home, unbeknownst to his children though.

Chief Massard had two children attending Doctors Inlet Elementary, a ten year old son Ryan and a six year old daughter Skylar. They thought it was going to just be another regular day but they were in for the surprise of their life. At 5:15 am their father had landed on American soil and all he wanted to do was see his family, no matter how tired he was.

“I’m tired, but I am waking up real quick. I am excited to get this going,” Massard laughed before seeing his children.

Ryan was told he was going to read a book and he would have to get it from the library, but this was all a cover.
Ryan and Skylar’s schoolmates were gathered outside for the surprise alongside the Massard parents. Ryan turned a corner and the moment he saw his dad he ran towards him with open arms. Ryan had missed his father’s hugs for seven months but was back in his father’s arms.

Ryan became so emotional that it even made his dad cry too.
“We’re good, you got me crying and I can’t do that,” Chief Massard joked to his son.

Now it was Skylar’s turn to be surprised by her daddy.
At first Skylar is more surprised by her applauding schoolmates and she becomes very shy with all the commotion. She was unsure for a few seconds about what was going on. Yet, the moment she spotted her dad she lost all her shyness and ran straight into his arms.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Chief Massard reassured his little girl as they hugged.
Chief Massard’s youngest daughter, who was too young to attend school, did not want to be left out of all the hugs. She comes over to hug both her daddy and older sister. What a touching moment of a father and his two daughters.

There was still one task for the Massard family to complete at Doctor Inlet Elementary that would solidify their dad’s return.
It was time to cut Chief Massard’s yellow ribbon from the tree. Ryan and Skylar’s classmates joined the family at the tree and cheered as Chief Massard and his son Ryan cut the yellow ribbon lose. After a long seven months, their dad was finally home to his family.

“There we go, I’m back! I’m back!” cheered Chief Massard after cutting the yellow ribbon.
Welcome home Chief Massard. Thank you and your family for your sacrifice and service.

Watch their sweet reunion in the video below!
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