Designers and engineers are paid to create things that will make life easier or more interesting for people. But there are always folks who go above and beyond and are so creative that we can’t help but stop and wonder how they came up with this stuff.
From the silly to the brilliant, whoever designed these 50 things has certainly got some special talent.
Start clicking to see what we mean:
1. Stall vacancy lights
Want to know which stalls are unoccupied? Just look up and look for the green light. Brilliant!
2. Dog park
Need to leave your dog outside for a bit? In Denmark, they have these dog pods and you can leave your dog inside. It’s got Anti Theft Security, Automatic Disinfectant and Air Conditioning. Your dog’s livin’ the life inside!
3. Recycling waste
Balloons are fun but those little pieces of plastic last a few lifetimes and can do a lot of damage.
But one sneaker company is collecting that waste to reuse as sneaker soles!
4. Weather report mirror
Want to know what’s the latest weather report before you step into the elevator in this hotel? Just look at the mirror. You’ll have enough time to sneak back into your room and get whatever you need to prepare yourself for the weather.
5. Cold bar
This bar knows how awful it is when your drink is no longer cold. So they added this cold metal bar and you can keep your drink cold as long as you’re drinking it. Nifty idea!
6. Catching bad guys
This is a brilliant way to protect vulnerable creatures and identify the people responsible for harming them.
7. This is for the book lovers
Book lovers, children and adults, still love to see images in their books. And this designer took it a step further. They designed the edge of the pages with a scene from the book. Wow!
8. Food stamp
This is a different kind of food stamp. And it’s the best kind because you’ll no longer be confused! Want the chicken empanada? Look for the one that says chicken. Yes!
9. The Japanese do it differently
Look at their public toilet system. You’ll already know which stall to go to before even entering the toilet. They’re so smart!
10. Gender equality
Times have definitely changed. Women wear pants now. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the hips.
11. New lid
It’s the new kind of lid where you don’t need a straw. But you’ll still get to drink to your heart’s content.
12. Talking pod
Are you inside a library but you need to take a call? You don’t need to step out inside this library when you need to take a call. Just go inside this “Cone of Silence” and take your call here.
13. A glowing currency
Canada issues $2 coins that are also glow-in-the-dark. And they also have an image of the Northern Lights on the coin. This glow-in-the-dark feature will come in handy when you scramble for coins in your bag.
14. A friendly reminder
This is a friendly reminder to keep your distance. And, as you can see, they’ve got a very obvious and a subtle message in it. Did you see it?
15. Mall cop
Careful. Don’t create trouble in the mall or this mall cop will get you. Wait, hold up. Is he real? Or is he a statue?
16. Book design
This is the interior design of a book shop in San Diego, CA. Plus the blue door underneath fits so well with the rest of the books. Any book lover would come here again and again.
17. Rainbow elevator
These are the buttons of an elevator in a children’s hospital. That’s so cool. Wish every elevator had buttons like this.
18. Celebrating rock
To celebrate their expansion into the UK and Freddie Mercury’s birthday, Norwegian Airlines placed Mercury’s image on the plane’s tail fin. The airline added his image in 2017 on what would have been his 71st birthday.
Freddie Mercury
🤐😥♥️— Zeynep (@Zeynep14466498) November 19, 2018
19. Button instructions
People should know about this already. But it seems, in this building, they still have to place instructions. Did you follow it?
20. Apparently, it’s a problem
Backsplash on your shoes in the bathroom? Yikes!
These urinals will eliminate that issue.
21. Movable desk
This is the most amazing desk! Can we get you to make this for our office, too?
22. There’s a reason for their design
And it’s not to get an even distribution of colors. The hexagon design is to prevent these crayons from rolling off the table.
23. Cooking guide
We never remember or know how long we need to cook noodles to have the right texture. This company knows it too well so they added this cooking guide in their packaging.
24. Another place to “park” your dog
This time, in Finland, the dog park is a spot where you can tie the leashes to the wall. And it’s in the shade so your dog doesn’t suffer under the heat. It’s even away from people.

25. Keep it handy
You never know when you’re meeting someone and you need to show your diploma. You don’t want to carry your diploma everywhere, right? So bring this wallet-sized diploma instead!
26. Safe way to go home
Kudos to this restaurant for providing this breathalyzer in their establishment. This decision saves lives!
27. Which one do you prefer?
Prefer a particular toilet paper brand? Don’t worry. They have several here you can use.
28. Done with tea?
Does your teabag box have separators? Use them as bookmakers for your book while you drink tea.
29. Are you a multi-tasker?
This is perfect for you! You’ve got a cake stand and a bowl for your chips and dip. Very cool.
30. Wait, what’s that?
It’s easy to ignore most billboards, but this one is certainly eye-catching! Don’t you think?
31. Keep it flat
Carrying a pizza box and making sure it’s flat can be challenging. The Japanese have done it again! They added the handle in the middle so it’s easy to carry. And it’ll keep the pizza flat.
This pizza box is a Must!!
— Linda (@lindadeveaux) July 21, 2019
32. Touch-free
It’s hard to keep touching the same things that thousands of people touch every day. So this is very much appreciated. There should be more touch-free handles everywhere!
33. Do you love beer?
This menu will show you what taste profile to expect with each beer. What do you want to taste today? Just check out this menu!
34. No Furby allowed!
Furby toys might be the hit in some places. But in this airport, they are not allowed in your carry-ons. Keep them in your checked baggage!
35. The decline and fall
This is anything but a picture book, but you get the idea of what you’re about to read not only from the title but the artwork on the bindings.
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