Wednesday, November 11th, is Veterans Day in the US this year. The national holiday is a moment to look back on and be thankful for the sacrifice of those who have served our country in the military. Videos like this are reminders that it is to be taken seriously.

It is a serious and often somber reminder of the sacrifice that it takes to live in freedom.

Each year, there is a special ceremony to mark the day and remember the holiday. Typically, that ceremony is done by the president and is a moment for the whole nation to take a moment of silence!

The moment is known as the “Wreath Laying Ceremony” and is a ritual that has been going on for a long time.

Arlington Cemetary explains the meaning behind the wreath:
Offering flowers at a memorial site is a ritual that occurs around the world, symbolizing the beauty and brevity of life. Floral tributes are made each day at Arlington National Cemetery — at funeral services, public ceremonies and individual visits to a loved one’s gravesite.

The most important ceremonies are handled by the president.
On days like Veterans Day and Memorial Day, the Commander in Chief handles the ceremony himself.
The most solemn ceremonies occur when the president of the United States, or the president’s designee, lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to mark the national observance of Memorial Day, Veterans Day or some other special occasion. Ceremonial wreath layings also occur during state visits of foreign dignitaries, who pay formal respects to the sacrifices of America’s veterans by placing a wreath before the Tomb.
A video from a few years ago shows how serious people take the moment.

At the unknown soldier’s tomb, a guard is stationed to make sure that things are kept orderly and somber. At the core of it, if things become commonplace or we get too familiar with it, we forget its importance.
As the soldier is walking, he hears a group of people talking and laughing right next to the memorial.

The soldier is doing his rounds, and you can clearly hear the laughter behind the person filming. While the group probably wasn’t trying to make a scene, it just wasn’t the time or place for a laugh. The guard hears them and turns. When he speaks, you definitely don’t want to be on the other side of it.

Upon turning, he strikes a pose and bellows out a command!

“It is requested that maintains a level of silence and respect!”
After the booming announcement, the laughter immediately stops and the soldier returns to his crisp turns. While the watchers probably felt a bit abashed, it is a good reminder that respect and honor are still important, even in a world that doesn’t take things seriously anymore.

Check out the video below!
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