None of us really know how much we take for granted the gift of sight. Even the simple of pleasure of seeing colors the way they were intended is a luxury some people out there don’t have. Color blindness is a very real disability that is rarely viewed as such, that can make life difficult for those that have it.
Craig Greco is actually a colorblind airbrush artist. A profession that is difficult when the colors he sees aren’t the same as the ones everyone else sees. The colors that Craig struggles with the most are red/green, meaning that there aren’t many vibrant colors in his world. Reds appear more brown and greens tends to be very dull.

But technology is amazing and there are glasses out there that can change your sight.
Thats right. Enchroma glasses are a type of spectacle that allows the color blind to see all the colors they are missing out on. It’s sort of a correcting technology similar to contacts thats gaining popularity as videos like these continue to go viral for the touching moment that follows opening the box.

As soon as Craig removes the tissue paper and holds the small box in his hands, he knows exactly whats inside it. “What if I start bawling in front of everybody?” he jokes with the birthday crowd.
But thats exactly what happens.

This tough guy is brought to tears when he takes a look around him. Not even the loving back rub from a loved one can console the overwhelming emotion he has seeing color for the first time. He looks around him and stands to look out at the yard, tears still blurring his new vision. Craig flips through a children’s book of colors and sobs. All he manages to squeak out is a small thank you his friends that got the surprise gift for him.

Then there is all the kids around him. They are so confused at why their dad is crying at his own birthday party, just for putting on a pair of sunglasses. One little girl even mentions that he looks like a cop and tries to take them off him. But they have no idea what their dad is experiencing for the very first time.

It’s hard to put into words how touching the moment Craig sees really is. No one can really understand what it’s like to not have color in your life, unless they have the same disability. Check out the video below and try not to cry along with Craig.
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