Police officers in today’s society face extremely difficult challenges. Without cops, cities would have no law and order. The brave men and women who vow to serve and protect their communities should be respected…not attacked. Sadly, this is no longer their reality.
Always on high alert
Whether in their car patrolling, sitting in a vacant parking lot to complete a report, or going somewhere to grab a quick cup of coffee, cops have to always be alert to their surroundings. One day, Officer Aaron found something suspicious after leaving a Dunkin Donuts shop. He expected the worst.

Good or bad?
As he approached his vehicle on a Tuesday morning, this officer spotted something on the windshield. As he got closer, he could tell it was a note. Now, the question was, did someone leave a hateful message or some words of encouragement?

Showing support
Officer Aaron works for the Huntersville Police Department in North Carolina. On that day, he discovered a handwritten note…something he never expected. On it, an individual had written a special message.

He was touched
After taking the note off the windshield, he carefully read it. It simply said, “Praying God’s protection over you…today and always!” Wow, he was moved that someone would take time to give him something so special and needed.

Constant reminder
With so much hostility targeted toward law enforcement, this note meant the world to Officer Aaron. As word about the kind deed spread, others chimed in to show their support. When asked what he was going to do with the note, Officer Aaron stated he planned to keep it in his car as a reminder that not everyone is out to get him or his brothers and sisters in blue.

A heartfelt thank you
On the Huntersville Police Department Twitter account, a response was posted. It said, “To whoever left the note, Officer Aaron says thank you and he is going to ride with it in his car from now on!” Not only did he need this support but also his entire department.

Word gets out
It wasn’t just officers in Huntersville who were impacted by someone’s act of kindness. It made other cops all over the country realize that a lot of people have their backs. Law enforcement has a hard job as it is…so rather than make it more difficult, more people should show them respect.

The mystery
At this point, no one knows who left the note. But since it was written on a Dunkin Donuts napkin, it had to be someone who was there at the same time as Officer Aaron. More than likely, this individual’s identity will never be revealed but that’s okay.

It’s the thought
We’ve all heard the same words growing up, “It’s the thought that matters.” And in this case, that applies. Sure, this person could’ve easily said a prayer for the officer’s safety without leaving a note. But they took it a step further.

Showing respect
Unfortunately, the bad decisions of a few cops have turned some people against all law enforcement personnel. It’s important to remember that the majority of police officers are good. These men and women put their lives on the line every day to protect others.

Hopefully, this story will inspire people to take action. If you see a police officer, saying thank you or leaving your own note will go a long way in boosting morale.
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