Getting around a bustling city can be stressful, especially if you’re not familiar with the ins and outs of the area.
But for one mom and son pair – they had a different kind of stress thrown into the mix as they were trying to head home from a sporting event in New York City.

Monica Ward Scharrer and her son Chris are big hockey fans. One evening, they went to a New York Rangers game and cheered on the team together.
While everything had gone smoothly during the event, it was afterwards that things got frustrating and their “worst nightmare” came true. You see, Chris relies on a heavy wheelchair to get around. So when they discovered that the elevator they needed to reach the train was out of service – their hearts sank.

Mom Monica shared the details in a Facebook post that’s gone viral. She explained:
“Our worst nightmare occurred after the Rangers game. The elevator was not working to get us from the street down to Penn Station. Chris is in a 350 lb wheelchair and it is elevator or nothing for him.”
According to the CDC, approximately 61 million American adults have some form of disability.

At first, Monica and Chris didn’t know what to do. But lucky for them, they crossed paths with a police officer who had a kind soul.
Instead of simply giving Monica and Chris directions to where another elevator might be located, the cop took them under his wing. His name was Officer Mears, and he personally guided the mother and son through the area until they found exactly what they needed – an elevator that actually worked.
Monica explained:
“I stumbled across this beautiful human being, Officer Mears. He personally walked us around until we found a working elevator in Kmart.”

Officer Mears didn’t just send them on their way at that point. He wanted to make sure Monica and Chris got on the train safely too.
Surely maneuvering a wheelchair in a large crowd of passengers wouldn’t be so easy. Realizing this, the officer worked to help them avoid the rush.
“Then he escorted us to the LIRR, found out before all commuters what track we were on, brought us down and set up the ramp for Christopher to get on the train before the rush of all the passengers.”

While talking, Monica discovered more about the caring officer.
“Officer Mears told me he worked with the disabled for 6 years before he became a police officer and that is where his heart is.”

Monica was so touched by Officer Mears’ kindness, and how he went out of his way to help them – that she shared her story with the feel-good site Love What Matters.
She concluded her post saying:
“I can’t say enough about how wonderful this officer was to my son and I. He essentially moved a mountain for us! I love this man and what he represents of humanity.”
Since Love What Matters posted their story on Facebook, it’s been shared over 10K times.
People have left beautiful comments like:
“You have touched many hearts, Officer Mears, with your act of pure kindness“
Another person wrote:
“Sounds like an amazing human being. In a world like the one we live in today, its great to hear stories like this!”

It’s an act of kindness that Monica and Chris won’t soon forget. Bravo Officer Mears, for being their angel during a time when they needed one!
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